While that was an example of how it returns with NIS, a better one might 
have been to show the lookup quoted "" - like ypmatch "\jeff" passwd, 
but I agree the escaping can be confusing and misleading with the shell 

The log files excerpts and ldap lookups weren't done by shell, per se, 
but by smbd. How would the shell come into play in those instances?


Mike Gerdts wrote:

>On Fri, 2002-08-16 at 11:21, Jeff Mandel wrote:
>>2) The wacky thing here is that \user actually returns successful with NIS.
>>jeff@host% getent passwd jeff
>>jeff@host% getent passwd \jeff
>Not quite right.  Your shell handled the "\j" and determined that it
>should have just been "j".  As such, the getent command really saw
>"jeff", not "\jeff".  The proper test would have been
>   jeff@host% getent passwd \\jeff
>In this case your shell would have translated "\\jeff" into "\jeff"
>before sending it as an argument to getent.

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