Look at libsmbclient within samba, but remember it is GPL!


On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 15:15, Adilson Oliveira wrote:
> Hello guys!
> First of all, let me tell you that I'm a samba user and never got into 
> the beast so excuse-me if this seen weird.
> I have a project to port an old DOS system to linux and this systems 
> uses direct netbios calls (using 5C interrupts) to communicate with 
> windows machines. Basicaly sending datagrams one to another.
> This customer does not want to change the windows side so I need to 
> simulate de same functions. Is it possible? And how?
> Thanks a lot!
> Adilson.
> P.S. Hey Jeremy! I'm the brazilian guy you met at linuxconf this year :) 
> You're great man!
> -- 
> TWT Embedded Solutions
Samba Team - http://www.samba.org

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