I've hacked up a quick funnel that will proxy named pipe RPCs to
a local TCP/IP DCE RPC server running on the local host. The 
code is fairly simple: the pipe is mapped to a UUID, an address
and port binding are retrieved from the endpoint mapper, and then
a socket is opened on which to forward RPC PDUs that SAMBA has
extracted from SMB packets.

The implementation could do with some cleaning up (we should probably
verify the UUIDs returned from the endpoint mapper, and there's no
support for passing authentication contexts) but it worked well
enough for rpcclient to open a connection to our LSA implementation.

You *need* a DCE runtime to use this, because we use the endpoint 
mapper client stub to resolve the pipe endpoints. This could be
rewritten just to use SAMBA code, but that's not a priority for us
right now.


Hopefully this will put an end to the "SAMBA is monopolizing port
443" compliants from certain parties :-) 


-- Luke

Luke Howard | lukehoward.com
PADL Software | www.padl.com

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