I have nss_ldap installed and would like to use it for samba.
As I have read from documetation: If I use encryted password , I can't 
authenticate via pam?
Is this fact still correct?

If yes, would it be possible to implement some how?

Could I (or someone more talent) try to code something like:
(I assume that encrypted password are easily converted to text on 
serverd side)

1. User send encrypted pasword to samba
2. Samba converts password to text, and check it agaists pam
      if (smb_pam_passcheck) {
            samba continues and stores needed lm and smb-hashes to local 
smbpassword file
            saves session information  and continues

Could this be done on pam-side?
On above scenario, if pam will create/sync smbpasswd atomaticly when 
login is done via nss_ldap.

Petri Asikainen

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