On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 15:40, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> Yep, that sounds worthwhile.  We could even just make it a timeout - and
> finally put gencache to use :-).  (mimir's generalised tdb cache).  

We do **not** need timeouts!
remember that sid->uid mapping is written in stone, once you have done
it it cannot be changed _ever_.

> > But to use ldap as a central storage you have to solve how to handle
> > foreign or builtin/special SIDs!
> Well, I was only looking at mapping our own domain - I was thinking the
> rest should happend via winbind.  However, it does make more sense that
> this is all handled in one place.  I think we can deal with this.

if you want it to be fast, better it stay in one place.


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