We have some files on a Unix/Samba server which the users can access from
both the Unix side and Windows NT side. We'd like to implement file locking
on these files for client applications which could run from both the unix
boxes and the NT boxes. However, I cannot seem to get it right.

On NT, we used:
        _locking( fd, LK_LCK, 100L );
On Unix, we used:
        fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &fl);

The NT clients can lock out each other, the Unix clients can also lock out
each other. However, a NT client CANNOT lock out a Unix client, and vice

Am I using the right call? Is there something I missed? Or is there
something in samba.conf I should tweak?

I'm fairly new to Samba, thanks for any help.

Jinhai Yang
Triant Technology Inc.

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