The _correct_ address for LEAPBS is now in the "TO:" above.

Quoting "Bryan J. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> [ I welcome everyone to come discuss this on an off-topic list --
> Mr. Litt, author of Samba Unleashed, is a subscriber there (and
> co-founder of
> the local LUG).  You don't have to be a list member to post either --
> although
> be sure to CC yourself if you want to get copied on a response. ]
> Quoting "Christopher R. Hertel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I have been communicating with a lawyer friend who had some
> involvement
> > with the Microsoft case.  Looking at the decision from the judge, we
> > noted that it seems as though the prosecution failed to clearly
> explain
> > Open Source and its importance in the marketplace to the judge.  As a
> result,
> > the Judge did not recognize the importance of full and open
> disclosure
> > of the APIs.
> And when was Open Source _ever_ represented in the case?
> That's been my "problem" with it all along.  You've got a mis-mesh of
> "screwed
> over" 'competitors' and "we thought there was a free lunch" 'partners.' 
> _Never_
> was Open Source _ever_ represented.
> I have long advocated the government could do far more as Microsoft's
> largest
> _customer_ than the nation's _regulator_.  I was surprised to see Mr.
> Ralph
> Nader, who I really don't think much of, agree with me on this
> recently.

Bryan J. Smith, E.I.            Contact Info:
A+/i-Net+/Linux+/Network+/Server+ CCNA CIWA CNA SCSA/SCWSE/SCNA
'In the new commercials for MSN 8, a guy dressed in a Microsoft
 Butterfly costume drops out of a "cocoon" ... nobody at
 Microsoft ... knows that a butterfly doesn't emerge from a
 cocoon, but a chrysalis -- moths come from cocoons ... "this
 should not be all that surprising since Microsoft seems to
 have problems recognizing bugs ..."' -- Cringely

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