On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 04:25:13PM -0500, Kris Van Hees wrote about 'append_log in 
> Could anyone tell me why the append_log variable in smbd can no longer be
> controlled by means of a '-a' flaf on the command line?  The CVS HEAD version
> is currently always reopening smbd log file with a truncate option, making it
> a bit difficult to debug pretty much anything since logs get overwritten all
> the time.
Whoops, my fault.. Thanks for reporting!

(who notices he has been doing commits too easily lately, I need to be
more careful...)

Jelmer Vernooij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://nl.linux.org/~jelmer/
 22:39:37 up  6:13,  8 users,  load average: 0.42, 0.44, 0.26

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