Any clues would be appreciated in getting net ads join working on Solaris 8.
I have downloaded the latest CVS samba 3.0. on to a solaris 8 box as is.
I have followed the same procedures as the LINUX CVS port that I have got
The only mod needed was that the  --without-sendfile flag did not appear to
work so I put in with-sendfile=no in configure rather that the default yes
for the Solaris port. This was not necessary for the Linux port.

Clocks on the machines are synchronized.
kdestroy works correctly
kinit works correctly
klist works correctly
net ads join fails for the Solaris port but works for the Linux port, errors
reported below.

root#l ./net ads join -Uadminuser
[2002/11/14 21:01:07, 0] lib/charcnv.c:init_iconv(93)
  Conversion from UCS-2LE to CP850 not supported
[2002/11/14 21:01:07, 0] lib/charcnv.c:init_iconv(93)
  Conversion from UTF8 to CP850 not supported
[2002/11/14 21:01:07, 0] lib/charcnv.c:init_iconv(93)
  Conversion from ASCII to CP850 not supported
[2002/11/14 21:01:07, 0] lib/charcnv.c:init_iconv(93)
  Conversion from CP850 to UCS-2LE not supported
[2002/11/14 21:01:07, 0] lib/charcnv.c:init_iconv(93)
  Conversion from CP850 to UTF8 not supported
[2002/11/14 21:01:07, 0] lib/charcnv.c:init_iconv(93)
  Conversion from CP850 to ASCII not supported
[2002/11/14 21:01:07, 0] lib/charcnv.c:init_iconv(93)
  Conversion from CP850 to UTF8 not supported
[2002/11/14 21:01:07, 0] lib/charcnv.c:init_iconv(93)
  Conversion from UTF8 to CP850 not supported
adminuser password: 
[2002/11/14 21:01:11, 1] libsmb/clikrb5.c:krb5_mk_req2(63)
  krb5_get_credentials failed for w2kads$@OUR.DOMAIN.AU (Clock skew too
great in KDC reply)
[2002/11/14 21:01:11, 0] libads/kerberos.c:ads_kinit_password(133)
  kerberos_kinit_password [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed: Preauthentication
[2002/11/14 21:01:11, 1] utils/net_ads.c:ads_startup(148)
  ads_connect: Invalid credentials

Thanks in advance


Clive Elsum BAppSc, RHCE
Systems Engineer - Information Technology Group
CSIRO Atmospheric Research
PMB 1, Aspendale, Victoria, Australia  3195
Phone : (+61 3) 9239 4509
Fax:    (+61 3) 9239 4444

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