Zdenek Niederle wrote on Samba-digest:

Message: 1
From: Zdenek Niederle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Collicutt Hanover
Subject: Clean up of spool files
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 15:13:15 -0700

I'm using Samba 2.2.5 and CUPS to handle printing on our network. Unfortunately, the smbprn.xxxxxx spool files are not being cleaned up and instead are quickly filling the spool directory. Is their a setting or option to ensure the files are cleaned up once sent to the printer? I am aware that using a cron job would work but this can't be the best solution.


Hi, Zdenek,

you need to be aware, that the Samba print files pass thru 2
different "spool" directories. Once the incoming directory
managed by Samba, (set f.e. in the "path = /var/spool/samba"
directive in the [printers] section of "smb.conf"). Second is
the spool directory of your UNIX print subsystem. For CUPS it is
normally "/var/spool/cups/", as set by the cupsd.conf directive
"RequestRoot /var/spool/cups".

I am not sure, which one of your directories keeps the files.
From what you say, it is most likely the Samba part.

For the CUPS part, you may want to consult:

  http://localhost:631/sam.html#PreserveJobFiles and
  http://localhost:631/sam.html#PreserveJobHistory and

There are the settings described for your CUPS daemon, which
could lead to completed job files not being deleted.

"PreserveJobHistory Yes" -- keeps some details of jobs in
cupsd's mind (well it keeps the "c12345", "c12346" etc. files
in the CUPS spool directory, which do a similar job as the
old-fashioned BSD-LPD control files). This is set to "Yes"
as a default.

"PreserveJobFiles Yes" -- keeps the job files themselves in
cupsd's mind (well it keeps the "d12345", "d12346" etc. files
in the CUPS spool directory...). This is set to "No" as the
CUPS default.

"MaxJobs 500" -- this directive controls the maximum number
of jobs that are kept in memory. Once the number of jobs
reaches the limit, the oldest completed job is automatically
purged from the system to make room for the new one. If all
of the known jobs are still pending or active then the new
job will be rejected. Setting the maximum to 0 disables this
functionality. The default setting is 0.

(There are also additional settings for "MaxJobsPerUser" and

For everything to work as announced, you need to have three

  * a Samba-smbd which is compiled against "libcups" (Check
    on Linux by running "ldd `which smbd`")

  * a Samba-smb.conf setting of "printing = cups"

  * another Samba-smb.conf setting of "printcap = cups"

Note, that in this case all other manually set printing-related
commands (like "print command", "lpq command", "lprm command",
"lppause command" or "lpresume command") are ignored and they
should normally have no influence what-so-ever on your printing.

If you want to do things manually, replace the "printing = cups"
by "printing = bsd". Then your manually set commands may work
(haven't tested this), and a "print command = lp -d %P %s; rm %s"
may do what you need.

You forgot to mention the CUPS version you're using. If you did
set things up as described in the man pages, then the Samba
spool files should be deleted. Otherwise it may be a bug. On
the CUPS side, you can control the behaviour as described

If you have more problems, post the output of these commands:

  grep -v ^# /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | grep -v ^$
  grep -v ^# /etc/samba/smb.conf | grep -v ^$ | grep -v "^;"

(adapt paths as needed). These commands sanitize the files
and cut out the empty lines and lines with comments, providing
the "naked settings" in a compact way.


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