
In my search for the cause of the behavior seen in my earlier post,
I traced the function call path to these two interesting functions,
int source/lib/util.c at about line 133:

    BOOL set_global_scope(const char *scope)
        smb_scope = strdup(scope);
        if (!smb_scope)
            return False;
        return True;

    const char *global_scope(void)
        return smb_scope;

Since the latter function returns the string 'smb_scope', regardless
of what is in it, wouldn't the first function protect against being
set to a NULL value by rewriting it similar to this?

    BOOL set_global_scope(const char *scope)

        if (!smb_scope) {
            smb_scope = strdup("");
            return False;

        smb_scope = strdup(scope);
        return True;

That way, you still get the 'False' return, but you also keep a valid value
in the pointer if the arg is NULL.  Or do you think the problem is more in
the way the default is setup in the configuration code?

Just a thought.

Thanks again,

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