On 13.01.2003 23:36:08 Tim Potter wrote:
>On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 08:40:55AM -0500, Green, Paul wrote:
>> > [2003/01/08 08:26:20, 0]
>> >   spoolss_io_devmode: Unknown specversion in devicemode [0x0]
>> > [2003/01/08 08:26:20, 0]
>> >   spoolss_io_devmode: please report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]!
>> Umm, what OS?  What version of Samba?   Who/what is the client (Windows
>> version xyz?)  What were the clients doing to make this happen? (if you
>> know)...  Can you make a test case?
>Even better would be a capture (either with tcpdump or Microsoft netmon)
>of this exchange.

I would do that; but as far as I can see this behaviour happened only once;

Wolfgang Fuertbauer (E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
EBEWE Pharma                          Tel: ++43 7665 8123 315
Mondseestrasse 11                     Fax: ++43 7665 8123 11
4866  Unterach, Austria

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