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On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Mark Fraser wrote:

> Is there a fix to correct a problem where when multiple print jobs are
> sent to a printer, the last and first jobs never clear out of the queue.
> In other words, if 5 jobs are sent, all jobs print, but the first and
> seventh (last) still appear in the queue. I have looked for timeout
> settings and such but have not been successful. This may be a simple
> question for someone out there to answer.
> RedHat 8.0 with Samba Version 2.2.7

This could either be (a) a bug in the print queue cache in smbd 
(although you have the only report of it I've seen), or (b) known 
bugs in Samba print change notify.  Does the listing clear up on 
a manual refresh of the print queue window on the client (F5)?

cheers, jerry
 Hewlett-Packard            ------------------------- http://www.hp.com
 SAMBA Team                 ---------------------- http://www.samba.org
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 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
                            --John Cusack - "Grosse Point Blank" (1997)

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