Hello Alain,

if you have a service contract with sun and can show them that you really 
have a problem without this Patch, then they will send you the T-Patch. 
Else you have until the next Kernel Jumbo Patch is released. The actual 
KJS for Solaris 8 sparc is 108528-18 and the next will be -19

regards Thomas

General Logistics Systems
Thomas Mieslinger
German-Parcel-Str. 1-7     fon: +49 6677 17 463
36286 Neuenstein            fax: +49 6677 17 111
Germany                           eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alain Defrance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gesendet von: 
31.01.2003 13:08

        An:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Thema:  Solaris fcntl bug - Update

What's about bug Solaris 8 ?
where can we download T108528-19 for Solaris 8 ?

Thanks for your reply

Alain Defrance
Ingénieur systèmes et réseaux
Service Informatique
Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne


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