I'd like to use the recycle as a per machine recycler using the option
'name = .recycle/%m' (because we have just some usernames
without passwords)
Works fine, but
if a directory is created it uses the rights 700, therefor  if a
subdirectory should be created by antother user it doesn't get the
permissions and the files will be purged.
Any suggestions how i can change the create mode to 770.

Marcel Mohr

Berliner Institut für
Vergleichende Sozialforschung
Wissenschaftlicher, gemeinnütziger Verein
Mitglied im Europäischen Migrationszentrum

Postal Adress: Schliemannstraße 23, D-10437 Berlin
Phone: +49-30 - 44 65 10 65  Fax: +49-30 - 444 10 85
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