On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 04:23:45AM -0800, D Jemms wrote:
> <snip />
> What is the difference between two ports on which 
> samba listens for TCP 139 and 445.

Ports 137-139 serve SMB over NetBIOS over TCP/IP.  This is the transport
used by LANMAN versions before Windows 2000 (Windows 3.x, NT 3.x,
NT 4.x, Windows 95/98/Me, etc.).  Port 445 is Microsoft's direct SMB
over TCP (no NetBIOS in the middle) the preferred method for
Windows 2000 and XP - should be a cleaner way to work with, but I do not
know it well yet...

Correct me if I had any mistake here.

  -- Tom

  Tom Alsberg - hacker (being the best description fitting this space)
  Web page:     http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~alsbergt/
DISCLAIMER:  The above message does not even necessarily represent what
my fingers have typed on the keyboard, save anything further.

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