I deleted the whole tree, changed the makefile to the
new syntax, and it fails with the identical messages.

The good news is that we documented pserver.samba.org in
the second edition... the bad news is that I can't get it
to work (;-))


Tim Potter wrote:
On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 02:13:17PM -0500, Dave Collier-Brown wrote:

 For that last few years, I've been using a makefile
to download and build samba, based on the instructions
in http://us1.samba.org/samba/cvs.html
 These are the same instructions that we put in "Using Samba",
and are unchanged in the second edition.

The cvs.html file has probably changed since then, specifically it has
been modified to split the anonymous cvs repository to pserver.samba.org
and the writable cvs repository staying at cvs.samba.org.  According
to the CVS logs this split was done in October 2000.

 Alas, they now only cause diagnostics, at least three of which
are bogus!

 1) If I run "cvs update -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot -P"
it returns "No CVSROOT specified!  Please use the `-d' option",
which, you understand, I did (;-))

There are instructions for "reparenting" a cvs repository using some
simple unix commands on the new cvs.html page.

I'm sorry the new version of your book has the old information in it -
that's a real bummer.  )-:


David Collier-Brown,           | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO          | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario               |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849       | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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