Nastasi, John wrote:
> Do you know if there are any issues with Samba running on
> Solaris that  would cause the application to run "very, very"
> slow with oplocks turned  off?

        No, and that's the kind of problem we should
        raise with the Samba team: I'm cc'ing this
        to them.

> Specifically, with oplocks turned on I get acceptable performance
> trying to open an MS-Access (Jet) database. The operation completes in
> no more than a minute or so. Turning "off" oplocks (as suggested
> repeatedly by many folks for multiple users accessing an MDB on a Samba
> share) completely hoses the same operation - 9 minutes to complete.

        We need to see what Samba's doing differently
        between the two cases. There are three places to
        1) Samba logs, at log level = 3 or more
        2) truss reports
        3) packet dumps.

        I recommend them in roughly that order: I'm
        good at reading truss, and the team is real good
        at logs.

> I've tried the configuration on a Solaris 7 (Ent 4500) running Samba
> 2.0.10 and also on a Solaris 8 (V100) running Samba 2.2.7a - same
> result. I'm about to try the latest kernel patch to see if it could be
> an fcntl related issue, but was curious if you knew of anything else
> that could be causing the problem.
> Based upon what I've read - oplocks being turned off should "help"
> multi-user, MDB access performance. What I'm seeing, however, is just
> the opposite.

        Yes, specifically by avoiding transferring the
        whole file to the client and then transferring it back.
        Turning of oplocks **in principle should** cause
        the db to read only the records it wants to change,
        then writing them back.

        The times imply it's still transferring the whole
        file, which is utterly evil (;-))  Of course, using
        smb file locking as the mechanism to do database locking
        is brain-dead in the first place. Being able to do
        so is just a way of letting you try out a DBMS, get
        used to it and eventually buy the back-end DBMS and
        a server to put it on.


David Collier-Brown,           | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO          | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario               |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849       | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Collier-Brown,           | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO          | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario               |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849       | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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