On Sun, 16 Mar 2003, Nicholas Brealey wrote:

> Fredrik Ohrn wrote:
> > It seems that Samba 2.2.8 is unable to open TDB files written by older 
> > versions. Instead it just overwrites them with a fresh file.
> > 
> > This caused our domain-server to loose the domain SID leaving all our NT 
> > clients out in the cold. We use a domain SID extracted from the previous 
> > PDC, an old WinNT 4.0 server that was scrapped.
> > 
> > Our print server also lost it's registry of printerdrivers and settings.
> > 
> I have not seen any problem on the two Samba PDC's I upgraded (although my test
> system went from 2.2.7a to 2.2.8 via 2.2.8pre2). I seem to be able  to logon as 
> a domain user and access network drives OK. Roaming profiles seem to
> copy OK. I can use rpcclient to enumerate drivers OK, but I have not really been
> using Samba for printing because of the printer settings problem on Solaris
> (hopefully fixed now). I only have Windows 2000 clients.
> It is probably worth posting more information about your setup.
> Regards
> Nick

We upgraded from 2.2.7a to 2.2.8. Server OS is RedHat 8.0. The 
sectrets.tdb file was created a log time ago with an older version and 
some hacking around with tdbtool to insert the SID.

After more than a cursory look the print-server did infact keep it's 
settings. It has lost information about some but not all of the printers 
but we have had that problem before so it's not related to the upgrade.

I can post the old sectrets.tdb file that gets instantly replaced by samba 
2.2.8 in case that is of any help.


      Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity;
      and I'm not sure about the former.
                                                    - Albert Einstein

Fredrik Öhrn                               Chalmers University of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                  Sweden

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