I'm pretty sure this /was/ working, which is why I'm posting it here
rather than to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm doing a net rpc vampire, using ldap as a
backend, and I have a simple add group script which creates a group in
LDAP and prints out the GID of the group it's created for samba to
hoover up. However, the primaryGroupID appears to be set to some
completely random number instead of the correct GID - for example,
this account should have a primaryGroupID of Domain Users:

dn: uid=waider,ou=People,dc=company,dc=ie
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: account
objectClass: sambaAccount
uidNumber: 1126
gidNumber: 1000
homeDirectory: /home/waider
uid: waider
rid: 1181
primaryGroupID: 513
displayName: Ronan Waide
cn: Ronan Waide
description: yadda
smbHome: \\srv1\waider
homeDrive: H:
profilePath: \\pdc\profiles\waider
logonTime: 1046707306
logoffTime: 1040143165
kickoffTime: 2147483647
pwdLastSet: 1044452015
acctFlags: [U          ]

But the Domain Users group entry looks like this:

dn: gid=Domain Users,ou=Group,dc=company,dc=ie
objectClass: posixGroup
cn: Domain Users
gidNumber: 1002

getent group Domain Users returns this:
Domain Users:x:1002:

So why is Samba setting the primaryGroupID to 513?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.
"if you can't live the lie, let it die/and if you can't live a life filled
 with strife/honey, just say oops/and jump through hoops/and get to the end of
 the line" - FLC, "Bear Hug" (Come Find Yourself)

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