Just downloaded both SAMBA-2_2_4-OBJ.ZIP and
SAMBA-2_2_4-SRC.ZIP using FETCH_HTTP with
the following command file :

$ fetch_http :== $util:[fetch_http]fetch_http
$ prox = "-b -p xxx.yyy.www" <<<--- My proxy server here...
$ fetch_http -
  "http://www.pi-net.dyndns.org/anonymous/jyc/samba-2_2_4-obj.zip"; -
  samba-2_2_4-obj.zip -

The output from FETCH_HTTP was :

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Connection: close
Server: HTTPd-WASD/8.0.1b OpenVMS/AXP SSL
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 13:10:39 GMT
Last-Modified: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 13:37:44 GMT
Content-Type: application/x-gzip
Content-Length: 2787854

The note about "x-gzip" commes from whatever format
the web server thinks the file are in. Since it's
a binary download, it realy doesn't matter (well,
with FETCH_HTTP, at least).

Both files uzniped without any problems, and a
BACKUP/LIST run withour errors. I have not restored
the BCK file, but I see no reason why that also shouldn't
work just fine.

Jan-Erik Söderholm.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: den 13 oktober 2002 05:51
Subject: Samba 2.2.4 saveset download trouble

TCPIP Services for OpenVMS 5.0
OpenVMS 7.2

OK, I plead ignorance.  Could someone please sort me out on why the 
source archive on the download site changes its file extension from 
".zip" to ".zip-gz" or ".gz" depending on the browser I use?  The first 
variation occurs using Netscape 7 (Windows) and LYnx 2.8.3 (VMS).  The 
second variation is using MSIE 6.  The site, and all the posts I've read 
in this list, indicate that the archive is a genuine Info-ZIP file, but 
it's being treated by these browsers as if it's a GZIP archive.  Even 
the BACKUP command has trouble with the unzipped saveset after the 
download, suggesting trouble with the download.

I downloaded it a couple of times directly onto my VMS machine using 
LYnx, but the UNZIP procedure seemed to fail, putting no files into 
[dir.source.vms] directory; the [vms] directory actually wound up at the 
same level sa the [source] directory?!.  That's why I suspect it isn't 
downloading in the correct format.  Either that, or my use of the BACKUP 
command is woefully wrong.  This is what I tried:

    $ UNZIP "-V" SAMBA-2_2_4-SRC.ZIP-GZ

I'd sure appreciate some help sorting this out.  Thanks.


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