"Franco Tassone" wrote:

I've checked the system logicals, and I can assure that SAMBA_ROOT is
 defined ok, tried also Wolter advice in using VMS filenaming in
smb.conf. No changes, same error during startup, I can't browse the
network although I "see" the workgroup defined. If for chance I try
to access the VMS samba server for my pc, VMS itself dumps and the
system restarts !
I have not looked at the 2.2.4 code base, but there is nothing in the earlier releases that can cause OpenVMS to bugcheck.

The only code in SAMBA that should have the potential to cause a bugcheck should be in the user impersonation code.

A bug here would affect anyone running that release of SAMBA, and yours is the only report that I have seen.

Please make sure that you are current with all relevant ECOs for your configuration. Also make sure that there are no out of revision executables in the system specific root directories.

And if that does not resolve the crashes, please contact your support organization to determine what the cause of the crash is.

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