It's an impressive work you put into this, Jean-Yves !!
Just a minor thing...
Would it be possible to make some minor modification to the
filenames of the kits ? Now there is a slight possibility that one
overwrite the former kit, and sometimes one want to keep
a couple if older kits...
Jan-Erik Söderholm
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Yves COLLOT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: den 23 januari 2003 12:26
To: Samba VMS
Subject: Samba/Vms 2.2.7a ODS-5 support

There is a new release of Samba/VMS 2.2.7a at the usual location http://www.pi-net.dyndns.org/anonymous/jyc/
This release supports ODS-5 file system, if (and only if...) you run VMS Version 7.2-1 or later, and you have downloaded and installed the latest CRTL patches for your version, which you can find at http://ftp.support.compaq.com/patches/.new/openvms.shtml
This release should fix most problems you may encounter with ODS-5.
For example, I suspect that the Excel "save as..." and "New Excel..." problem that was reported a couple of days ago by Carl Perkins should be fixed with this release (providing that Mr Perkins uses ODS-5, which I guess is true).
Jean-Yves Collot

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