About the poor performance if you compared it to Pathworks.
A Samba server on Unix is also 4 times faster the a Samba
OpenVMS Server.
It is also Twice as fast to Export your Disk with NFS to a Unix
Samba Server and then access it from Windows . And I'm talking
about 2.2.7a
There is room for performance improvment.

Sylvain Plante
Administrateur de système               System Administrator
Centre d'information topographique      Center for Topographic Information
Ressources Naturelles Canada            Natural Ressources Canada
2144, rue King Ouest, bureau 010        2144, King Street West, suite 010
Sherbrooke (Québec)                     Sherbrooke (Québec)
J1J 2E8                                     J1J 2E8
courriel: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
téléphone: (819) 564-5600 poste 228     phone: (819) 564-5600 ext. 228
télécopieur: (819) 564-5698             fax: (819) 564-5698


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