
I installed the SAMBA 1.9.17p4 on  OpenVMS V6.2.
During the installation, there is no error message. 

I can find the SAMBA server from Windows client. 

However, when I try to acees the SAMBA server, I always rejected. 

So my browsing test, I set "guest ok = yes" and "security = user" at global
However, I can not access the directory of SAMBA server.    

There are my questions. 
(1)What do I need to check the SAMBA is propery working?
(2)What is the easy way to access the directory of SAMBA 
(This setting use fot testing purpose. So the security is not my concern.)
(3)What is the best choice for security setting? 
(I was planning to set the server level security.)
(4)If you can, please tell me how to set the security. 
(Especailly, serlevel security.) 

I am waiting for your answer. 


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