
> 1. I can not get guest access to work.
I think it works here, but may be I am not doing what you want to do.
What I do is :
- define SAMBA__GUEST as the "guest account" in SMB.CONF
- define "Bad user" for the "map to guest" parameter (Never is the default)
- define "guest ok" as "Yes" in some shares, and as "No" (the default) in

And it works.

In addition, if I define "2" as "log level", I have no timeout problem, and
I get messages in the log such as :
"connect to service share1 as user samba__guest" (for "guest ok = Yes"
"Invalid username/password for share2 [samba__guest]" (for "guest ok = No"

> I hope that it's decision is based on a file extension
> (about the "VMS  Record Format" parameter)

Actually, I added that feature because Mr Tapani Rundgren
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) asked for it. Mr Rundgren is using a software
product that writes files on Samba/VMS shares, but separates the written
lines by <LF> instead of <CR><LF>. This is the case, for example, if you use
smbmount from a Linux box, and create text files with vi or any Linux tool.
When a VMS program or procedure tries to read such files, it does not see
any line terminator, and sees the files as if they have only one big line.
The parameter gives the opportunity of "telling" VMS that the line
terminator is a single <LF>. This is a parameter attached to the entire
share (a similar option exists in Pathworks).

I don't understand what you mean by "basing the feature on a file
extension". In my example (Samba share accessed thru Linux smbmount, and
accessed thru some Windows box at the same time), a text file will have only
<LF> when created from Linux, but will have <CR><LF> when created from
Windows. I think that you can't securely assume that a given file comes from
Linux because, for example, its extension is .lis, or from Windows because
its extension is .txt



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