Dear Sir,

I Mr. Yasanna Bangura one of the foreign liaison officers of the Sierra-Leone Diamond 
Mining Corporation do crave your indulgence in a 
business proposal,though strange, which I pray you would view seriously.First and 
I am an accountant and a foreign liaison officer with 
the Sierra-leone Diamond and mining Corporation and also a member of its foreign 
tender committee. 

This said amount Nine million  dollars ( US$9M) emanated from an over invoiced 
contract value) contract which was awarded to a 
foreign firm for the supply of equipment and turn around maintenance(TAM)in the mining 
corporation.This contract was awarded and executed 
with real value paid, but the approve sum of variation (Inflated Contract Value) which 
currently placed in a Trust company for safe keeping is 
what I and my colleagues in the (DMC) now want to transfer for further investment 

After due consultative sessions with members of the board of Committee, I was mandated 
seek and arrange with a foreign national who can 
assist us in the transfer of this funds. Your assistance is needed for two main 

1) As public office holders, (The Sierra-leone Code of Conduct Bureau) put a ban on 
office holders from operating foreign bank accounts

2)That we need a foreign national to assist us in areas of investment preferably Real 
and Telecommunications.

Members of my committee and I have unanimously agreed to compensate you with 20% of 
the total sum of the money.(US$9m) if you are willing 
to to render us your assistance regarding the transfer. The remaining 80% shall be 

While promising you a quick and trouble free transfer of this funds,we want you to 
note that 
this is a very sensitive transaction which should not 
be disclosed to any other party than both of us.

Its also important that you acknowledge the receipt of this letter, should you be/not 
interested in this business proposal, to enable us scout for 
another interested you would know, this will be the beginning of a long 
business relationship between both of us. 

Best Regards,

Yasanna Bangura

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