Check your logs and see what domain your windoze box is trying to join.  
I suspect the space in the your Samba domain name may be the problem.  
Try ETC_SERVICES instead.  Also, try adding "administrator" to your 
doamin admin group.  Also, I don't see a "security = " line in 
your smb.conf.
-- Bob --

On 1 May 2002, Scott D. Webster wrote:

> Samba-Meisters,
>         I've been try in vain to get a Windows 2000 Pro workstation to
> join my
> domain.  I'm someone else can figure out what's going wrong.
>         My server (galileo) in running samba 2.2.3a (compiled from the
> Red Hat
> rawhide samba-2.2.3a-6.src.rpm) on RedHat 7.0.  My workstation
> (descartes) is running Red Hat 7.2 (can also boot to Win98SE &
> Win2kPro).  I'm running Windows 2000 Pro in VMware
> (VMwareWorkstation-3.1.1-1790).  The Win2k machine is called vm-win2k.
>         In Windows 2000 Pro I go [Control Panel]->[System]->[Network
> Identification]->[Network ID], I check "This computer is part of a
> buiness network, and I use it to connect to other computers at work" and
> click "next", then check "My company uses a network with a domain" and
> click next.  In the "User Account and Domain Information" dialog I
> root's username and password and my domain "ETC SERVICES" and click
> next.  I then get a message saying "Windows cannot find an account for
> your computer on the ETC SERVICES domain."  What am I doing wrong here? 
> BTW, I have tried it from non-vmware Windows 2000 Pro and I get the same
> result.
> Here's my configuration info:
> galileo:~ # grep \$: /etc/{passwd,shadow} 
> /etc/passwd:vm-win2k$:x:999:999:vm-win2k:/dev/null:/bin/false
> /etc/passwd:descartes$:x:998:999:descartes:/dev/null:/bin/false
> /etc/shadow:vm-win2k$:!!:11752::99999:::11751:
> /etc/shadow:descartes$:!!:11752::99999:::11751:
> galileo:~ # grep machine /etc/{group,gshadow}
> /etc/group:machine:x:999:
> /etc/gshadow:machine:!::
> Pertinent directories in /var/samba:
> drwxr-x--x    2 root     users        4096 Apr 20 14:12 netlogon
> drwxr-xr-x    7 root     root         4096 May  1 15:36 ntprofile
> Pertinent records from smbpasswd:
> root:0:<removed>:<removed>:[U          ]:LCT-3CCF3196:
> VM-WIN2K$:999:<removed>:<removed>:[W          ]:LCT-3CCF06E5:
> descartes$:998:<removed>:<removed>:[W          ]:LCT-3CD011CA:
> my smb.conf (minus non-pertinent shares):
> ---8<--------------------------------------------------------------
> # Samba config file created using SWAT
> # from (
> # Date: 2002/05/01 16:28:43
> # Global parameters
> [global]
>         workgroup = ETC SERVICES
>         netbios name = GALILEO
>         server string = The Server - Samba %v on %$(OS)
>         encrypt passwords = Yes
>         min passwd length = 6
>         map to guest = Bad User
>         passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd
>         unix password sync = Yes
>         log level = 2
>         log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
>         debug pid = Yes
>         debug uid = Yes
>         large readwrite = Yes
>         announce version = 4.2
>         socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
>         load printers = No
>         domain admin group = root swebster
>         domain guest group = smbguest
>         logon script = %U.bat
>         logon path = \\galileo\profiles\%U
>         logon drive = h:
>         logon home = \\galileo\%U\profile
>         domain logons = Yes
>         os level = 255
>         preferred master = True
>         domain master = True
>         dns proxy = No
>         wins support = Yes
>         default service = public
>         socket address = 
>         guest account = smbguest
>         printer admin = swebster
>         hosts allow = 192.168.9. 127.
>         hosts deny =
>         printing = lprng
>         lppause command = lpc hold %p %j
>         lpresume command = lpc release %p %j
>         queuepause command = lpc disable %p
>         queueresume command = lpc enable %p
> [homes]
>         comment = Home Directories
>         read only = No
>         browseable = No
>         fstype = Samba
> [netlogon]
>         comment = NetLogon Service
>         path = /var/samba/netlogon
>         guest account = 
>         browseable = No
>         locking = No
> [profiles]
>         comment = Windows NT/2000/XP Profiles
>         path = /var/samba/ntprofile
>         read only = No
>         create mask = 0600
>         directory mask = 0700
>         browseable = No
> -------------------------------------------------------------->8---------

Bob Sully - Simi Valley, California, USA

"The weather is here - wish you were beautiful." - J. Buffett

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