I have Samba set up on FreeBSD on a network with several W2K's and other 
FreeBSD's. After incredible feats of tortured convolutions with books and 
web pages, I finally managed to get file transfers between the Windows & 
BSD machines and printing on the FreeBSD and from Windows to FreeBSD with 
lpd (!).
I have now installed cups on the BSD and although Windows sees the printer 
on BSD, there is no way to get it to print to BSD.
Frankly, after reading all the manuals for both cups and Samba, all the 
instructions are jtotally incomprehensible.
There are such minor things as nonexixtence of files that are supposedly 
created on installation, there is on clear explanation or principles or 
directives that can be understood (at least, by me).
I am hoping that someone out there has been able to understand this stuff 
and can help me see the light... please... :-)
Philip Jourdan

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