Many thanks to those who have replied so far - still no luck

It would appear that I was ni=ot quite specific enough in the original
post re: the OS version I am using - it is Windows 98SE, NOT vanilla 98.

As for the login script I am using, I tried originally with the NT/2K
script I use for all the other machines (logical as they are all NT/2K!):

#### Script starts here ####

@echo OFF
REM login scripts for computers logging into 'badger'


echo Setting workstation time...
net time \\server /set /yes

echo Mapping network drives...
rem home drive is mapped automagically to p:
net use q: \\server\Guest /PERSISTENT:NO
net use r: \\server\Archive /PERSISTENT:NO
net use x: \\server\Team /PERSISTENT:NO

#### Script ends here ####

This works absolutely fine for the NT/2K machines - the only problem I had
originally was solved by putting 'c:' at the start of the file.  It doesnt
work at all for the 98SE machine though.

I have tried a couple of simple script files so far for the 98SE machine,
replacing my usual script with the simple script each time:

#### Script 1 ####

net use q: \\server\guest

#### Script 1 ends here ####

#### Script 2 ####

net use q: \\server\guest
net use * \\server\archive

#### Script 2 ends here ####

#### Script 3 ####

c:\windows\net use q: \\server\guest

#### Script 3 ends here ####

#### Script 4 ####

net use q: \\server\guest
echo Got here! ? c:\output.txt

#### Script 4 ends here ####

In none of the above cases was a drive mapped.  The echo command casued
the output from the net use command to be piped out to c:\output.txt - in
each case this gave:

The syntax is incorrect.
For help, type NET USE /? at the command prompt.

In every one of the above cases, running the same commands from a command
prompt once I was logged into the machine caused the drive(s) to be

If I map a drive (say z:) to the netlogon drive and then run the script
from the 'scripts' directory, I get an error along the lines of:

'The shared resource could not be located'

I think that this was the reason I put the 'c:' near the start of the
NT/2K login script, but its been quite a while since I have had to touch
the setup and my memory isnt what it once was!  As I showed above though,
I tried this modification on the script I was using for the 98SE box and
it didnt seem to make any difference...

Does anyone have any ideas?


Dr. Andy Dawson

 Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

> Message: 21
> From: "Simon Jester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Samba List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Samba] Win9x login script drive mapping problem
> Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 11:47:28 -0400
> Can you post the relevant part of your logon script?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "A.J.Dawson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 11:29 AM
> Subject: [Samba] Win9x login script drive mapping problem
> > I am having problems with a Windows 98 machine that is connecting to our
> Linux
> > Samba server. The problem is that I cannot get it to automatically map
> users
> > drives when they log on. The login script *appears* to run okay, but the
> drives
> > are simply not mapped.
> >
> > Under Windows NT/2K this has not been a problem.
> >
> > I have tried creating a one line login script along the lines of
> >
> > net use * \\server\share
> >
> > And even that doesnt work!
> >
> > I suspect that I am doing something daft, but if anyone could give me a
> few
> > pointers, that would be most useful!
> >
> > My smb.conf is attached at the bottom of the e-mail
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Dr. Andy Dawson
> >
> >  Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by
> stupidity.
> >
> >
> > # Start of smb.conf file
> >
> > [global]
> >    workgroup = SOMEGROUP
> >    server string = NT Server
> >    socket options = TCP_NODELAY
> >    interfaces = XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/24
> >    local master = yes
> >    os level = 69
> >    domain master = yes
> >    preferred master = yes
> >    domain logons = yes
> >    wins server = XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
> >    ;dns proxy = yes
> >    time server = yes
> >    map archive = yes
> >    browseable = yes
> >
> >    # log file options - log by machine name, not > 200k /log
> >    log file = /usr/local/samba/log/log.%m
> >    max log size = 200
> >
> >    # security considerations
> >    security = user
> >    encrypt passwords = yes
> >    # NOTE: we need to set this to no for Win95 clients < 4.00.950a
> >    hosts allow = XXX.XXX.XXX. 127.
> >    remote announce = XXX.XXX.XXX.255/SOMEGROUP
> >    guest account = nobody
> >    map to guest = Never
> >    guest ok = no
> >    domain admin group = @NT_adm
> >    add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -c NT_machine -d /dev/null -g
> NT_machines -s /bin/false %m$
> >    bind interfaces only = yes
> >    unix password sync = yes
> >    passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
> >
> >    # printer defaults
> >    load printers = yes
> >    printing = BSD
> >    print command = /usr/bin/lpr -P%p -r %s
> >    lpq command = /usr/bin/lpq -P%p
> >    use client driver = yes
> >    disable spoolss = yes
> >    printer admin = @NT_adm
> >    printcap name = /etc/printcap
> >
> >    # logon paths etc.
> >    logon script = scripts\%u.bat
> >
> >    logon drive = p:
> >
> > [netlogon]
> >    comment = Network Logon Service
> >    path = /usr/local/samba/netlogon
> >    guest ok = no
> >    writable = no
> >    browseable = no
> >
> > [homes]
> >    comment = %u on %L
> >    volume = %u on %L
> >    writeable = yes
> >    valid users = @users
> >    nt acl support = no
> >    browseable = no
> >
> > [Guest]
> >    comment = Guest on %L
> >    volume = Guest on %L
> >    writeable = yes
> >    path = /home/guest
> >    valid users = @users
> >    force group = users
> >    force create mode = 770
> >    force directory mode = 770
> >    create mask = 770
> >    directory mask = 770
> >    browseable = yes
> >
> > [Netlon]
> >    comment = Netlon on %L
> >    volume = Netlon on %L
> >    writable = yes
> >    path = /home/netlon
> >    valid users = @netlon
> >    force group = netlon
> >    force create mode = 770
> >    force directory mode = 770
> >    create mask = 770
> >    directory mask = 770
> >    browseable = no
> >
> > #### Printers ####
> >
> > [Laserjet_6MP]
> >    comment = Laserjet_6MP on %L
> >    printable = yes
> >    path = /var/spool/lpd/
> >    printer = lj_6mp
> >    browseable = yes
> >    read only = yes
> >    valid users = @users
> >
> > # End of smb.conf

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