Hi all,
I have rather a perplexing question...
I'm just setting up a new linux (Redhat 7.2) samba server with authentication using winbind and pam. Everything seems to be working well on the authentication side except in Swat.
If I go to the machine (http://machinename:901) it pops up the authentication dialog which is obviously authenticating through winbind because user names and passwords that only exist on the Active Directory server work get me to Swat and the local root username and password does not. The only thing is, that the Swat is displays is the limited, cut-down, view-only version. 
There appears to be nothing in the Swat or Samba documentation that specifies Swat admin users specifically (ie. "swat admins = @DomainAdmins"). Adding "domain admin group = @DomainAdmins" to smb.conf did nothing (it's not a PDC anyway). Changing the "user = root" to "user = root, gwebster" in /etc/xinetd.d/swat did nothing (yes, I ran "killall -HUP xinetd").
So how and where do I specify users that are able to admin Samba via Swat when using winbind/pam authentication?

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