Funny enpough that worked. Windows wanted to reboot, so I did.
Now I can choose to log into the domain. But when I try, I get errors about 
directory not found, couldn't find profile file,...
So, I created the directories. But how do I create the profiles for the users, so 
that windows can use/find/write/access them?

best regards
Klaus Zahradnik

On 3 Jun 2002 at 14:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Try to login the first time with root;ofcourse root should be created in
and should have  another password than the unix/linux-root

                    "Klaus Zahradnik"                                                  
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
                    m>                      cc:                                        
                    Sent by:                Subject:     [Samba] can't log into 
domain(samba PDC) with client(win2k)  
                    06/03/2002 13:46                                                   

Hy there!
I set up samba as an PDC server for our network. All the clients are
windows 2000. I created the Linux users and the machine accounts. then set
the whole thing up into sambas passwd file.

I can access the shares over the "normal" workgroup part. But as soon as I
want to access the domain, I get the error that the username and/or
password is wrong....

Can somebody please help me out here?

best regards
Klaus Zahradnik

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Klaus Zahradnik

GO-PUBLIC.COM Internet Relations GmbH

A-2500 Baden, Weilburgstrasse 4       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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