I'm getting really frustrated again...please help.
Would someone please answer these questions and maybe I can figure out what is wrong with my installation:
1. I can add printers in CUPS, and they show up in Samba (after a 'service smb restart'). I can see them when I surf to \\waifer (the name of the Samba server), but when I double-click on them there, it can't find the drivers on the server (print$ path = /etc/samba/drivers/). Is this the location you have for your Windows client drivers in a working Samba/CUPS installation? If so, what does that directory contain? Can I copy the drivers from someone's working installation to the correct place on my system?
2. When I run 'cupsaddsmb -a' or 'cupsaddsmb -a -U root' it asks me for the root password over and over and over again, apparently doing nothing. Ctrl-C (or any other rational combination of keys) won't exit it, and it appears to make no changes to /etc/samba/drivers/. As I understand it, cupsaddsmb should copy drivers from CUPS to Samba, creating drivers that will work for Windows clients who add those printers to their workstations. Am I correct? What form will those drivers take, and where will the converted drivers be located? Any idea why I am asked for the root password over and over?
3. There is a lot of talk about the "Add Printer" icon in (for example) \\waifer\Printers ...when I double-click this it appears to add the driver to my local Windows machine. When I choose (under Win2k) Properties on that printer, hit the Advanced tab, update the driver, it appears to update the driver to the Windows machine. This doesn't appear to be what the documentation says it will do (being that it should upload the drivers to the Samba share in print$. Is this correct?). How can I get the drivers in place on the Samba server without going through this?
4. The man pages for cupsaddsmb talk about downloading the Adobe Postscript drivers from Adobe's site. I went there, downloaded an executable file which said it was Adobe's Postscript printer drivers. I installed it on my Win2k machine, hoping that afterwards I could find those files somewhere and copy them to the Samba server somewhere. Where should these be copied to? What are they really for (since the idea as I understand it was that CUPS supplied working printer drivers and not all of the printer I am setting up handle PS)?
5. After all this, can anyone really, really say that they have a fully functional installation of CUPS and Samba which allows Windows clients to retrieve drivers for the printer they wish to install from the Samba server? I'm currently having my doubts and thinking there is a misconception here about where the drivers are coming from, where they are installed, and that this is in any way a simple process.
Thanks! Once this is done and working, I wish to make a donation to the Samba team, so I hope that is an impetus for help on this. I will also be glad to help improve documentation on this process once this is working.
Greg Webster

Greg Webster
Systems Administrator 
Alexander Holburn Beaudin & Lang
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