Hi !

The O'Reilly "Using Samba" book, recommend not to include smbmount
support as it is for Linux only:

"This feature wasn't being maintained at the time the book was
written, so the Samba team made it an optional feature and provided
smbwrapper instead. The smbwrapper feature works on more Unix
platforms than smbmount, so you'll usually want to use
--with-smbwrapper instead of this option"

Is it still true ?
What do you recommend me to use ?

I'm using a linux wks (RedHat 7.2) with samba 2.2.4, and I use winbind
to authenticate from a win2k domain controler: it does work (this is
so great !!) but I also would like to mount a windows share (not my
windows home directory because I haven't got any) when I log in.

Any idea of how to do this ?


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