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I don't know the solution, but I noticed that you
can not use " or ' in fstab, because than it gives the same error.
If this is true, you could only use domain+username without " or '
(+ seems to be acceptable in fstab, but I don't know if it is ok in the 
option coloumn too).
If that does not work either though, maybe the problem is with the +,
or if not, than I have no idea.

2002. június 13. 17:47 dátummal LAUTIER Sabrina errol ugatot:
$$$ Hi !
$$$ I'm having trouble trying to mount a win2k share from my linux box
$$$ with the mount command.
$$$ My linux box is a RH 7.2 and samba version is 2.2.4.
$$$ It is part of the windows domain 'VALBONE' and the smb.conf option
$$$ "winbind use default domain" is set to yes.
$$$ So when the user slautier log into the machine, it does it without
$$$ specifying the domain name.
$$$ slautier is a member of the windows group 'Domain Users'.
$$$ The 3 following commands work fine
$$$ $ mount -t smbfs //dedale/sharedir /mnt/smb/dedale/sharedir -o \
$$$ credentials=/home/win2k/VALBONE/slautier/.smbpw,uid=slautier,gid=Domain\
$$$ users
$$$  ,fmask=664,dmask=775
$$$ $ mount -t smbfs //dedale/sharedir /mnt/smb/dedale/sharedir -o \
 $$$ users'
$$$  ,fmask=664,dmask=775
$$$ $ mount -t smbfs //dedale/sharedir /mnt/smb/dedale/sharedir -o \
$$$ credentials=/home/win2k/VALBONE/slautier/.smbpw,uid='VALBONE+slautier',
$$$ gid='VALBONE+Domain users',fmask=664,dmask=775
$$$ But If I add any of the above corresponding lines (with or without ''
$$$ or domain name) into the /etc/fstab file:
$$$ //DEDALE/SHAREDIR       /mnt/smb/dedale/sharedir        smbfs
$$$ credentials=/home/win2k/VALBONE/slautier/.smbpw,uid='slautier',
$$$ gid='Domain users',fmask=664,dmask=775 0 0
$$$ and then try to mount it using the mount command I get the following
$$$ error:
$$$ $ mount /mnt/smb/dedale/sharedir
$$$ | [mntent]: line 9 in /etc/fstab is bad
$$$ | mount: can't find /mnt/smb/dedale/sharedir in /etc/fstab or
$$$ /etc/mtab
$$$ I don't get this error if I replace username uid with numeric uid:
$$$ //DEDALE/SHAREDIR       /mnt/smb/dedale/sharedir        smbfs
$$$ credentials=/home/win2k/VALBONE/slautier/.smbpw,uid=10000,
$$$ gid=10001,fmask=664,dmask=775 0 0
$$$ Why can't I use usename/groupname uid/gid in the /etc/fstab file ?
$$$ You could tell me just to keep numeric uid/gid but I don't want to as
$$$ these value may change.
$$$ Any idea of how to solve this ?
$$$ Thanks.
$$$ Sabrina
$$$ ---------------------------------------------
$$$ Powered by Alinto (http://www.alinto.net)
$$$         for lavache.com (http://www.lavacheautomatique.com)

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