
I hope someone can help me with this one:

We're using Macromedia Dreamweaver 3 to publish local files from a NT4
Server to our internet server running Redhat 7.3 / Samba 2.2.3a. Life could
be so sweet but we're facing a strange problem: Users can't _overwrite_
files edited by other users. Everytime someone tries to overwrite such a
file the message "An error occurred - cannot put file.xxx. Access is
denied." pops up. But they can delete them and this only happens inside
Dreamweaver 3, overwriting a file with the normal Windows Explorer isn't a
problem. I guess my Samba configuration below is right and Dreamweaver does
some strange things.

Has anybody here dealed with the same problem? (Solutions?)

As I can't change Dreamweaver I hope there's an option in Samba that may

Thank you very much for any answers.


Nicolas Keller

smb.conf: (partial)

        workgroup = XXXXXXX
        netbios name = xxxxxx
        server string = xxxxxxxxxx
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        map to guest = Bad User
        announce version = 5.0
        keepalive = 30
        os level = 2
        dos filetimes = Yes

        path = /xxx/xxx/xxx
        writable = yes
        force group = users
        comment = xxxxx
        valid users = xx1,xx2,xx3,xx4,xx5
        create mask = 0740
        directory mask = 0750
        force directory mode = 020
        force create mode = 020

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