Mittwoch den 18.09.2002 um 14:46 CEST  +0200, schrieb Bruno Gimenes Pereti:
> I forgot to mention, I can import the definition from the file
> rfc2307-usergroup.sch but I can´t import from the samba.schema. Certanly you
> saw that the sintaxe of this files are completly different. NDS provides two
> applications to import schema, they are "ndssch" and "ldapmodify". ndssch
> can´t import samba.schema and ldapmodify uses another kind of file (ldif).
> Do you know how can I do this?

A search on novell's website point me to

There i find some schemas. A look inside this files give me the idea to
convert the samba.schema to ldif format. It seems, that the
objectdefiniton should be in _one_ line prepend by "objectclass: " This
should be similar to attributetype.

If you setup a correct ldif file from samba.schema, than announce this
to this list. I think this could be intressting for other novellix' es.

Frank Matthieß                                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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