Hi Barry,

you wrote:

> Samba was installed by the Red Hat (7.2) installer when the system
> originally configured.  Since I am not using a self-compiled version
> of Samba, do I still need to do this?  Should I try do see if it
> solves the problem anyway?
> Barry

sorry, I was wrong:

This is only needed, if you can use smbmount but not mount -t smbfs.

This is working for me:

linux 1.0 > smbmount //tb2/bbi /mountpoint -o username=tb,password=tb
linux 1.0 > mount
/dev/root on / type ext2 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/hda1 on /boot type ext2 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
//tb2/bbi on /mountpoint type smbfs (0)

> [skidmore@mail skidmore]$ whereis smbmount
> smbmount: /usr/sbin/smbmount /usr/share/man/man8/smbmount.8.gz
> [skidmore@mail skidmore]$ smbmount
> bash: smbmount: command not found
> [skidmore@mail skidmore]$ /usr/sbin/smbmount
> Usage: mount.smbfs service mountpoint [-o options,...]
> Version 2.2.5

Then /usr/sbin is not in $PATH.

When I'm typing "set" on the console:

linux 1.0 > set

/usr/sbin is in there.


export PATH

Control this with



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