On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 12:37, Kalkoul Morad wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I set up Samba 3.0alpha1.9 on a RH7.2 and I want  to configure it as a
> Primary Domain Controller.
> Below , my smb.conf:
> # Samba config file created using SWAT
> # from (
> # Date: 2002/10/01 09:04:58
> # Global parameters
> [global]
>       ;Nom du domaine
>       workgroup = MOMODOM
>       ;Nom netBios de la machine
>       netbios name = SRV2000
>       ;Commentaires qui sera affiche dans le vouisinage réseau
>       server string = Samba Server Beta Test 3.0
>       encrypt passwords = Yes
>       password server = bin/passwd
nope - this should be the name of the machine - probably just leave it
>       passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd  %u
>       unix password sync = No
>       log file = /var/log/samba/SMB%m.log
>       max log size = 0
>       socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
>       domain admin group = root@SRV2000
you don't need this (and i don't know if it works in samba3)
instead you should use the group mapping tool smbgroupedit to set up a
mapping between "Domain Admins" and the unix group "root"
> ;     add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g 502 -s
> /bin/false -M %u
>       logon script = logon.cmd
>       logon path = \\%N\%u\profiles
>       logon drive = H:
>       logon home = \\SRV\%U
>       domain logons = Yes
>       domain admin group = @admin
you certainly shouldn't have two of these...
>       os level = 64
>       preferred master = True
>       domain master = True
>       dns proxy = No
>       wins server =
>       default service = export\samba\test
what are you trying to do with this...
it's not needed for a PDC
>       printing = lprng
> [homes]
>       comment = Home Directories
>       valid users = %S
you don't need this line...

>       read only = No
>       create mask = 0664
>       directory mask = 0775
>       browseable = No
>       writable = Yes
> [printers]
>       comment = All Printers
>       path = /var/spool/samba
>       printable = Yes
>       browseable = No
> [export\samba\test]
>       comment = Partage de test
>       path = /tmp
>       guest ok = Yes
>       browsable = Yes
>       writeable = Yes
> [netlogon]
>       comment = Network Logon Services
>       path = /home/netlogon
>       writeable = no
>       browseable = no
>       write list = root
> And I create a Machine Trust Account, like this;
> #useradd -g admin -d /dev/null -c "Samba Test Machine" -s /bin/false
> SRV2000$
> #passwd -l SRV2000$
> #smbpasswd -a -m SRV2000$ (I found some docs with $ to put here and other
> without, What do I put????)
the $ sign needs to be there in the files.
I think some versions of smbpasswd add the $ sign automatically
just make sure that the files look right..

best wishes!


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