On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 09:36, helpdesk wrote:
> Hello I am kinda new to the whole samba and linux platform.  Well I have a
> samba problem.  We are using Red Hat 7.3 as our intranet server and we are
> trying to use samba for rights and security.  We want to lock everyone
> except IT department from accessing files on the intranet server.  As of now
> everyone can get into it.  We are trying for a password protected area.
> Also if we change the security level from share level to anything else, it
> will not let anyone in, or it will ask for a user name and password that we
> have no clue which it is.  Can anyone help?  Thank you.

in order to get a helpful reply you need to post more detailed

what have you tried so far?
did you read the howto collection at samba.org?

samba's behaviour is defined by its configuration file 

it sounds to me like you don't have any users set up on your linux

Share level security requires only a password, user security requires a
valid username in both /etc/smbpasswd and /etc/passwd

create those users with
useradd username (updates /etc/passwd) 
smbpasswd -a username (updates smbpasswd)

I don't know much about share level security...
i think you can put a password on certain shares - then only
those people who know the password would be able to access it.

Share level security is not in keeping with the rest of unix security in
general... I recommend that you switch to user level security and
maintain a password database.


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