I have a Smaba2.2.5+LDAP Setup Many of my newly added users suddenly not able login even I am not able to add any new users. When I run smbpasswd -D 99 e91255 e91255 it gives the foll o/p. This has beame network show-stopper and the users are started complaining.
TIA Shekhar [The last few lines may give a hint] Initialising global parameters params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf" Processing section "[global]" doing parameter workgroup = FREEDOM doing parameter netbios name = CZAR handle_netbios_name: set global_myname to: CZAR doing parameter server string = File Server doing parameter security = USER doing parameter encrypt passwords = Yes doing parameter min password length = 5 doing parameter log level = 10 doing parameter log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log doing parameter max log size = 25 doing parameter socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 doing parameter logon script = %U.bat doing parameter logon drive = h: doing parameter logon path = doing parameter domain logons = Yes doing parameter os level = 80 doing parameter preferred master = Yes doing parameter domain master = Yes doing parameter dns proxy = No doing parameter admin users = shekhar root doing parameter announce as = NT Server doing parameter max open files = 2048 doing parameter oplocks = no doing parameter level2 oplocks = no doing parameter ldap suffix = dc=viit,dc=edu doing parameter ldap admin dn = cn=Manager,dc=viit,dc=edu doing parameter domain admin group = @root @admin doing parameter ldap server = doing parameter ldap port = 389 doing parameter ldap ssl = no doing parameter add user script = /scripts/ldap/addmachine %u doing parameter passwd program = /scripts/sync %u doing parameter passwd chat = *new*password* %n\n *New*password* %n\n *Retype*new*password* %n\n *all* doing parameter unix password sync = yes pm_process() returned Yes lp_servicenumber: couldn't find homes set_server_role: ROLE_DOMAIN_PDC codepage_initialise: client code page = 850 load_client_codepage: loading codepage 850. Adding chars 0x85 0xb7 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0xa0 0xb5 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x83 0xb6 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0xc6 0xc7 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x84 0x8e (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x86 0x8f (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x91 0x92 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x87 0x80 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x8a 0xd4 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x82 0x90 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x88 0xd2 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x89 0xd3 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x8d 0xde (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0xa1 0xd6 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x8c 0xd7 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x8b 0xd8 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0xd0 0xd1 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0xa4 0xa5 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x95 0xe3 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0xa2 0xe0 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x93 0xe2 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0xe4 0xe5 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x94 0x99 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x9b 0x9d (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x97 0xeb (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0xa3 0xe9 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x96 0xea (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x81 0x9a (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0xec 0xed (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0xe7 0xe8 (l->u = True) (u->l = True) Adding chars 0x9c 0x0 (l->u = False) (u->l = False) load_dos_unicode_map: 850 load_unicode_map: loading unicode map for codepage 850. load_unix_unicode_map: ISO8859-1 (init_done=0, override=0) load_unicode_map: loading unicode map for codepage ISO8859-1. tdb(unknown): tdb_brlock failed (fd=3) at offset 4 rw_type=1 lck_type=13 ldap_open_connection: starting... Initializing connection to on port 389 ldap_open_connection: connection opened ldap_connect_system: Binding to ldap server as "cn=Manager,dc=viit,dc=edu" ldap_connect_system: succesful connection to the LDAP server ldap_search_one_user: searching for:[(&(uid=e91255)(objectclass=sambaAccount))] get_single_attribute: [uid] = [e91255] Entry found for user: e91255 get_single_attribute: [pwdLastSet] = [1033550079] get_single_attribute: [logonTime] = [0] get_single_attribute: [logoffTime] = [2147483647] get_single_attribute: [kickoffTime] = [2147483647] get_single_attribute: [pwdCanChange] = [0] get_single_attribute: [pwdMustChange] = [2147483647] get_single_attribute: [cn] = [e91255] get_single_attribute: [homeDrive] = [H:] get_single_attribute: [smbHome] = [\\czar\dachomes] get_single_attribute: [scriptPath] = [e91255.cmd] get_single_attribute: [profilePath] = [e91255] get_single_attribute: [description] = [System User] get_single_attribute: [userWorkstations] = [<does not exist>] get_single_attribute: [rid] = [4852] get_single_attribute: [primaryGroupID] = [1415] init_sam_from_ldap: User [e91255] does not ave a uid! ldap_open_connection: starting... Initializing connection to on port 389 ldap_open_connection: connection opened ldap_connect_system: Binding to ldap server as "cn=Manager,dc=viit,dc=edu" ldap_connect_system: succesful connection to the LDAP server ldap_search_one_user: searching for:[(&(uid=)(objectclass=sambaAccount))] No user to modify! Password changed for user e91255. Failed to modify entry for user e91255. Failed to modify password entry for user e91255 -- To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the instructions: http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba