
I'm using EFAX and faxlpr

The set up doesn't currently take in the user information or
ceate a cover sheet on the server side.

I'd like to create the cover sheet on the client side.
and send it in the print spool from windows

This is the printcap entry


This is faxlpr

# fax - script to make, send, receive, view or print a fax
# Copyright 1993-1999 by Ed Casas
# --- Start of user configuration section ---
# Notes:
#  - do not put spaces before or after the equal (=) signs.
#  - variables can also be set on the command line, for example:
#       fax DEV=cua0 send
#    or in a configuration file (see CONFIGFILES below)

# The names of the fax script, efax and efix, including full path
# if necessary.

# The device to which the fax modem is connected (e.g. ttya for
# /dev/ttya).  Use a dial-out (cua) device if available.  If
# there are links to this device then all programs must use same
# name or the UUCP locking mechanism will fail.  For example, if
# /dev/modem is a link to /dev/cua1, then getty, uucp, kermit,
# pppd, dip, etc. must *all* use either /dev/modem or /dev/cua1.


# Your fax number in international format, 20 characters maximum.
# Use only digits, spaces, and the "+" character.

FROM="1 212 980 2177"

# Your name as it should appear on the page header.

NAME="Rosenzweig & Maffia LLP"

# The preferred page size for creating and printing faxes.
# Allowed values are "letter", "legal", and "a4".

# PAGE=legal
# PAGE=a4

# The type of printer. Use 'pcl' for HP-PCL or 'ps' for
# Postscript.  See definition of PRINT (below) for more options.

PRTYPE=ps                               # Postscript (e.g. Apple LaserWriter)
# PRTYPE=pcl                            # HP-PCL (e.g. HP LaserJet)

# The command to print image files from standard input.  Typically
# this is "lpr" or "lp".


# The command to view a Portable Gray Map (PGM) image from the
# standard input.  Typically "xv -" or "xloadimage stdin".

VIEWCMD="xloadimage stdin"              # best
# VIEWCMD="pnmtoxwd | xwud"             # slower alternative
# VIEWCMD="xv -"                        # much slower alternative

# The name of the Ghostscript executable including full path if
# necessary.  Only required if faxing Postscript files.


# Dial string prefix and suffix such as T for tone dialing, P for
# pulse dialing, 9 to get an external line, commas for delays or
# W to wait for dial tone.  See definition of TELCVT below if you
# have more complex requirements.


# The name(s) of lock file(s) according to your system's
# conventions. Protect with single quotes for delayed evaluation.
# Add a leading '#' to the file name to use binary format.

LOCK='-x /var/lock/LCK..$DEV'                   # modern systems
# LOCK='-x /usr/spool/uucp/LCK..$DEV'           # older systems
# LOCK='-x /var/lock/LCK..$DEV -x /var/spool/uucp/LCK..$DEV' # both
# LOCK='-x #/usr/spool/uucp/LCK..$DEV'          # binary format
# LOCK='-x /usr/spool/locks/LK.047.040.011'     # SysV style names
# LOCK=''                                       # no lock file

# Uncomment one of the following lines to force xon/xoff flow
# control only if you have one of the types of modems listed.

# FCINIT='-j\Q4'                # AT&T (Dataport, Paradyne)
# FCINIT='-j\Q1'                # Motorola (Power Modem, 3400 Pro,...)
# FCINIT='-j*F1'                # QuickComm (Spirit II)
# FCINIT='-j&H2'                # USR (Courier, Sportster)
#FCINIT='-or'                   # Multi-Tech (for bit reversal)
FCINIT='-oh'                    # Multi-Tech (for bit reversal)

# ****************************************************************
# The remaining options probably won't need to be changed.
# ****************************************************************

# Configuration files that are sourced if they exist.  Comment
# out if you don't need to use config files. Warning: any type of
# shell command in these files will be executed.

#CONFIGFILES="/etc/efax.rc ${HOME:-~}/.efaxrc ./.efaxrc"

# A command that will generate unique names for logs and received
# files.  'date +%m%d%H%M%S' works on most systems.  Protect with
# single quotes.

TSTAMP='date +%m%d%H%M%S'
# TSTAMP='echo $$'              # alternative - use process number

# Shell command to convert aliases to phone numbers when sending
# faxes.  When executed $1 will be the alias and $f the file name
# to search.  The example below uses a directory file where alias
# lines start with the keyword "fax" followed by the alias in
# be the phone number. Other lines are ignored.  For example, if
# one of the files in DIRFILES (defined below) contained the line
# "fax(kpmg): 691-3031", you could use the command "fax send kpmg
# invoice.24". Protect with single quotes.

LOOKUP='eval /bin/sed -n -e "/^fax($1):/{" -e "s/^[^:]*://p" -eq -e"}" $f'

# List of telephone directory file(s) to be searched.  The
# default is the file .faxdir in the user's home directory.


# Shell command to convert phone numbers to dial strings.  This
# lets you to store numbers without the long distance or
# alternate carrier access codes, passwords, accounting digits,
# etc.  In the examples below this is used to convert numbers
# beginning with '+'; the first substitution handles same-country
# calls and the second handles international calls.

TELCVT='/bin/sed -e s/+1/1/ -e s/+/011/'        # North America
# TELCVT='sed -e s/+61/0/ -e s/+/0011/' # Australia
# TELCVT='sed -e s/+44/0/ -e s/+/00/'   # UK
# TELCVT='sed -e s/+49/0/ -e s/+/00/'   # Germany
# TELCVT='sed -e s/+852// -e s/+/001/'  # Hong Kong
# TELCVT='sed -e s/+33// -e s/+/19W/'   # France (?)
# TELCVT='sed -e s/+34/0/ -e s/+/07W/'  # Spain
# TELCVT='/bin/sed -e s/+1/10288/'              # use AT&T
# TELCVT='sed -e s/+/T82W1682W9W/'      # get out of PBX

# efix options to use a bitmap font for text-to-fax conversion.
# The option -l66 puts 66 lines of text per page, -d1,1 sets 1
# inch top & left margin.  Comment these out to use the built-in
# font. Use "fax makefont" to make bitmap fonts from Postscript
# fonts.

# TEXTFONT="-l66 -d1,1 -f /usr/bin/efaxfont"

# efax options to specify a different font for headers. Generate
# using "fax makefont."

# HDRFONT="-f /usr/bin/efaxfont"

# Dimensions of page sizes.

PAGE_letter="8.465x11in"        # fax width x letter length
PAGE_legal="8.465x14in"         # fax width x legal length
PAGE_a4="21x29.7cm"             # ISO A4

# Default resolution for converting to fax format. Can only be
# 204x196 or 204x98.

RES=204x196                     # default "Fine" resolution (196 lpi)
# RES=204x98                    # standard resolution (98 lpi)

# When the print and view commands below are executed, $f will be
# the input file name and $PAGEDIM will be one of the above page
# dimensions. Protect with single quotes.

# PRINT: A command to convert fax files to a printable format.
# For printers other than Postscript or PCL you can use efix's
# PBM output and an appropriate pbm filter (such as pbmtoepson)
# or efix's Postsript output and Ghostscript as a filter. Change
# the scaling (-s) and displacement (-d) options as required to
# fit the image onto the area your printer can print.

PRINT='$EFIX -ve -p$PAGEDIM -r300 -s0.98 -d0,0.125 -o$PRTYPE $f'

# example using pbm utilities:
# PRINT='$EFIX -ve -p$PAGEDIM -r60x72 -opbm $f | pbmtoepson'

# example using Ghostscript:
# PRINT='$EFIX -ve -p$PAGEDIM -r120x144 -ops $f | \
#       $GS -q  -sPAPERSIZE=$PAGE -sDEVICE=epson -r120x144 \
#       -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sOutputFile=- - '

# VIEW: A command to convert fax files to PGM format for
# previewing.  efix's pgm output reduces image dimensions by 4X.

# VIEW='$EFIX -ve -p$PAGEDIM -r200 -opgm $f'    # 50dpi: fast, whole-page view
VIEW='$EFIX -ve -p$PAGEDIM -r300 -opgm $f'      # 75dpi: slower, readable size

# Commands to set up modem.  "-iZ -i&FE&D2S7=120 -i&C0"
# works with almost all modems.  See the efax(1) man page for
# details.

INIT="-iZ -i&FE&D2S7=120 -i&C0"

# Command(s) to reset modem when efax finishes. "-kZ" works in
# almost all cases.

# RESET="-kZ -k&F+FCLASS=0"     # for modems that stay in fax mode after reset

# Speaker mode(M) and loudness(L). Mn sets speaker mode where n
# means: 0:never, 1:until carrier, 2:always, 3:on receive only.


# Options to use a particular command sets.  Normally efax
# selects the command set based on the modem's capabilities.  Use
# -o1 to force Class 1, -o2 for Class 2 and -o0 for Class 2.0.

#CLASSINIT="-o1"        # Class 1
#CLASSINIT=""           # Class 2
# CLASSINIT="-o0"       # Class 2.0

# The modem's capabilities for sending faxes.  Normally efax
# chooses these by querying the modem.  "-c 1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0"
# forces 9600 bps maximum speed.  See the efax(1) man page for a
# description of the fields.

TXCAP="-c 1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0"

# Capabilities for receiving faxes.  Usually the same as TXCAP.
# If your modem only receives at 4800 bps use "-c 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0".


# Additional options required only for transmit or only for
# receive.  None normally required.

# Commands to set up modem.  "-iZ -i&FE&D2S7=120 -i&C0"
# works with almost all modems.  See the efax(1) man page for
# details.

INIT="-iZ -i&FE&D2S7=120 -i&C0"

# Command(s) to reset modem when efax finishes. "-kZ" works in
# almost all cases.

# RESET="-kZ -k&F+FCLASS=0"     # for modems that stay in fax mode after reset

# Speaker mode(M) and loudness(L). Mn sets speaker mode where n
# means: 0:never, 1:until carrier, 2:always, 3:on receive only.


# Options to use a particular command sets.  Normally efax
# selects the command set based on the modem's capabilities.  Use
# -o1 to force Class 1, -o2 for Class 2 and -o0 for Class 2.0.

#CLASSINIT="-o1"        # Class 1
#CLASSINIT=""           # Class 2
# CLASSINIT="-o0"       # Class 2.0

# The modem's capabilities for sending faxes.  Normally efax
# chooses these by querying the modem.  "-c 1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0"
# forces 9600 bps maximum speed.  See the efax(1) man page for a
# description of the fields.

TXCAP="-c 1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0"

# Capabilities for receiving faxes.  Usually the same as TXCAP.
# If your modem only receives at 4800 bps use "-c 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0".


# Additional options required only for transmit or only for
# receive.  None normally required.


# Command to make a date for the page header. Protect with single
# quotes.  'date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"' works on most systems.

DATECMD='date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"'        # YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM (24hour)
# DATECMD='date'                        # longer, more readable

# Page header format.  You may use $DATE, $NAME, $FROM, $TO, and
# "%d/%d" (for page number and count).  Protect with single
# quotes.  Example: '$DATE $FROM $NAME p. %d/%d'.

HDR='$DATE     $FROM      $NAME     p. %d/%d'

# BUSYRETRIES is a list of delays in seconds between attempts to
# redial busy numbers.  Comment out if you don't want to retry
# busy numbers.

BUSYRETRIES="30 60 120 300 60 600 60 60 1200 60 60"

# FAILRETRIES is a list of delays in seconds between attempts to
# retry failed transmissions.  Retries are only attempted if at
# least one page was sent in the previous attempt. Retries
# include only pages not already sent. Comment out if you don't
# want to retry failed transmissions.

FAILRETRIES="300 300"   # try two more times at 5 minute intervals

# Command to run another program (efax) at a higher-than-normal
# scheduling priority.  This command isn't used if it fails
# (e.g. because the current user isn't privileged).  Comment this
# out if it causes problems.

NICE="nice -n -10"

# Standard versions of commands that are often aliased.

RM="/bin/rm -f"

# Messages to display.  VERB sets the messages displayed (stderr)
# and VERBLOG the messages written to log files (stdout).

VERB="ewin"             # show errors, warnings, progress & negotiation
VERBLOG="chewmainrxtf"  # log everything

# ****************************************************************
# The remaining configuration options apply only to the `fax
# answer' command.  You can ignore these if you will only be
# running efax manually.  See "USING INIT TO RUN EFAX" in the
# efax man page for more information.
# ****************************************************************

# device or file where fatal error messages should be written


# The directory to store incoming faxes and log files.  This directory
# should already exist and be writable by the user(s) of this script.


# The strftime(3) pattern that generates the file name for
# received files.  For example, at 10:45:36 on February 25,
# "%m%d%H%M%S" would produce 0225104536, "%j-%H%M" would produce
# 056-1045, and %d%b%H%M 25Feb1045.


# umask for received files. Use 022 to allow anyone to retrieve faxes.


# The user to be sent mail when a fax is received.


# The sendmail executable including full path if necessary.  Only

# required if forwarding received faxes by e-mail in $NOTIFY.


# The command to execute when a fax is received.  Normally this
# sends FAXMGR e-mail or prints the received fax.  The variable
# $f will be the name of the log file, $FILES will contain the
# names of the received files, and $REMID will have the remote ID
# string or '?' if none. The faxmail function will e-mail the fax
# as MIME image/tiff attachments.  Comment this out to do
# nothing.  Protect with single quotes.

# NOTIFY='mail -s "fax/message from $REMID: $FILES" $FAXMGR <$f'
# NOTIFY='lpr $f ; $FAX print $OPT $FILES'

# The number of rings to wait before answering.


# If you want to enable fax/data adaptive answer (AA) read the
# efax man page and define DATAINIT to be the options that enable
# AA. Note: AA does not work properly on some (2400/9600) modems
# unless the modem initialization is done at 2400 bps (not
# possible with efax). USR modems do not support modem adaptive
# answer (+FAE=) in Class 1.  &C1 enables most modems' DCD line
# so a signal can be sent to shells when a call is dropped.  You
# must also define DCMD (see below).

#DATAOPT="-j&C1 -j+FCLASS=0 -jS7=30"
# DATAINIT="$DATAOPT -j+FAE=1"          # Class 1 modem adaptive answer
DATAINIT="$DATAOPT -j+FAA=1"            # Class 2[.0] modem adaptive answer
# DATAINIT="$DATAOPT -oa"               # software adaptive answer
# DATAINIT="$DATAOPT"                   # data-only answer

# If you have a voice modem and want to answer in voice mode
# define VOICEINIT to be the options that enable voice mode.  You
# must also set VCMD below. Voice support is not yet available.

# VOICEINIT="-j#CLS=8"                  # Rockwell voice modems
# VOICEINIT="-jM2L2#CLS=8#VLS=4"        #    with speaker on

# Argument to exec(2) of "/bin/sh -c" for incoming data calls.

# This command will usually exec getty(8) but can include other
# commands to set up the serial port, etc.  Up to 6 %d arguments
# are replaced by the baud rate following the CONNECT response
# from the modem or 19200 if none.  If using getty_ps ensure
# /etc/gettydefs has entries for all possible %d values
# (e.g. 19200). Use 'nice' if required to reduce any special
# priority set by NICE.

#DCMD="exec /sbin/getty -h $DEV %d vt100"       # for getty_ps (Linux)
# DCMD="exec /sbin/agetty -h $DEV %d vt100"     # for agetty (Linux)
# DCMD="exec pppd $DEV %d"                      # start PPP server

# Argument to exec(2) of "/bin/sh -c" for incoming voice calls.
# This command will usually be a shell script that interacts with
# the caller by using efone to play/record audio and detect DTMF
# tones.  Up to 6 %d arguments are replaced by the modem file
# descriptor.  VCMD can "exec fax reanswer" to switch to fax or
# data mode if required.

FONE=/usr/bin/fone                              # minimal voice mail
VCMD="exec $FONE %d"

# The and mode to which "fax answer" sets the serial
# device.  This allows non-root processes to grab the device from
# efax even if a previous process (e.g. login) has changed it.
# Comment out if you don't need to reset device ownership.

OWNER=root.tty          # typical
MODE=666                # anybody
# MODE=660              # only owner & group

# Regular expression for efax exit codes in log files that will
# *not* be saved.  For example, use [145] to ignore exits due to
# `locked' (1), `no modem' (4), and `signal' (5) conditions


# ****************************************************************
# --- End of user configuration section ---
# ****************************************************************

# --- source configuration files

        if [ -r $f ]
                eval "`cat $f`"

# --- set any variables given on command line

while : ; do
        case $# in 0) break ;; esac
        case "$1" in [A-Z]*=*) eval $1 ; shift ;; *) break ;; esac

# -------- initialize


$NICE true 2>/dev/null ; case $? in 0) ;; *) NICE="" ;; esac

# -------- resolve dependencies on command-line arguments

eval LOCK=\"$LOCK\"                     # depends on DEV

# make device name w/o directories

case $DEV in
        */*) DEVN=`echo $DEV|/bin/sed -e s./._.g` ;;
        *) DEVN=$DEV ;;

case $PAGE in
        letter) PAGEDIM="$PAGE_letter" ;;
        legal)  PAGEDIM="$PAGE_legal" ;;
        a4)     PAGEDIM="$PAGE_a4" ;;
        *)      echo "Error: PAGE=\"${PAGE}\" not valid." ; exit 2 ;;

# --- check for a command or alias and optional flags


*/faxlpr|faxlpr) cmd=faxlpr ;;
        while : ; do
        case $# in 0) case $cmd in '') cmd=receive ;; esac ; break ;; esac
        case $1 in
        -l) OPT="$OPT -l" ; RES=204x98 ; shift ;;
        -h) OPT="$OPT -h" ; RES=204x196 ; shift ;;
        -v) OPT="$OPT -v" ; VERB=$VERBLOG ; shift ;;
                case $cmd in '') cmd=$1 ; shift ;; *) break ;; esac

# -------- functions

faxmail () {
   echo "Subject: fax/message from $1"
   echo "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=EFAX_MAIL"
   echo ""
   echo "--EFAX_MAIL"
   echo "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"us-ascii\""
   echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit"
   echo ""
   cat $1
   for f in $*
     echo "--EFAX_MAIL"
     echo "Content-Type: image/tiff"
     echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"
     echo ""
     $EFIX -M <$f

# -------- export variables for fone script


 -------- do the appropriate command

while : ; do    # so we can use `break' to get to the end of the script

case $cmd in

# fax answer : clean up logs and exec efax. normally run by init(8).


        if cd $FAXDIR ; then :
                echo "Error: $FAX cannot cd to $FAXDIR" >>$CONSOLE
                sleep 30

        while [ -f ${DEVN}.stop ] ; do sleep 15 ; done

        umask $UMASK
        case $OWNER in '') ;; *) chown $OWNER /dev/$DEV ;; esac
        case $MODE  in '') ;; *) chmod $MODE  /dev/$DEV ;; esac

        for f in ${DEVN}.[0-9]*         # clean up old log files
          egrep "done, returning $NOLOG|exec'ing" $f >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
          case $? in
                $RM $f
          1)    FILES=`/bin/sed -n -e  '/received ->/s/^.*-> \(.*\)$/\1/p' $f`
                FILES=`echo $FILES`
                REMID=`/bin/sed -n -e '/remote ID ->/s/^.*-> \(.*\)$/\1/p' \
                        -e tok -e b -e ':ok' -e q $f`
                case $REMID in '') REMID='?' ;; esac
                eval $NOTIFY
                echo   >>${LOGDIR}/${DEVN}.log
                cat $f >>${LOGDIR}/${DEVN}.log
                $RM $f

        exec $NICE $EFAX -v "" -v "$VERBLOG" -d/dev/$DEV $INIT $SPKR \
        $RXCAP -l "$FROM" $RESET \
        $DATAINIT -g "$DCMD" $VOICEINIT -e "$VCMD" \
        -jS0=$ANSRINGS -w -s -r "$ANSFNAME" 2>$CONSOLE >${DEVN}.$$

        echo ERROR: $FAX answer exec failed >>$CONSOLE ; sleep 30


# fax reanswer : switch from voice mode to fax[/data] mode


        # we should already be in the fax spool directory, the
        # device locked, the modem answered and initialized in
        # voice mode and stdout/stderr redirected appropriately

        umask $UMASK

        exec $NICE $EFAX -v "" -v "$VERBLOG" -d/dev/$DEV '-i#CLS=0' \
        $RXCAP -l "$FROM" $RESET \
        $DATAINIT -g "$DCMD" \
        -r "$ANSFNAME"

        echo ERROR: $FAX reanswer exec failed >>$CONSOLE ; sleep 30


# fax queue : list received fax files


        cd $FAXDIR
        case $? in 0) ;; *) echo "cannot cd to $FAXDIR" ; break ;; esac

        for f in [0-9]*.[0-9][0-9][0-9] [0-9]*.v
                if [ -r $f ]
                        echo Fax files in `pwd` :
                        $LS -l [0-9]*.[0-9][0-9][0-9]  [0-9]*.v


# faxlpr : get phone number and user from current cf* file and run fax send


        cd $FAXDIR              # the lpr spool directory for printer 'fax'
        case $? in 0) ;; *) echo "$0: cannot cd to $FAXDIR" ; break ;; esac

        test -r lock
        case $? in 0) ;; *) echo "$0: can't read lock file" ; break ;; esac

        cfile=`tail -1 lock`

        test -r $cfile
        case $? in 0) ;; *) echo "$0: can't read control file" ; break ;; esac

        cfile=`cat $cfile`

        num=` echo "$cfile" | sed -e /^[^J]/d -e s/.//`
        host=`echo "$cfile" | sed -e /^[^H]/d -e s/.//`
        user=`echo "$cfile" | sed -e /^[^P]/d -e s/.//`

        test "$num"
        case $? in 0) ;; *) echo "$0: can't read phone number" ; break ;; esac

        cat - >> fax$$                  # save in a file

        l=`$FAX send "$num" fax$$`

        case $? in
        0) echo "$l" | mail -s "fax to $num succeeded" $user@$host ;;
        *) echo "$l" | mail -s "fax to $num failed   " $user@$host ;;

        $RM fax$$ fax$$.???


# fax start/stop/status : manage fax receive daemon

        start|stop|st*)         # common section

        cd $FAXDIR ;
        case $? in 0) ;; *) echo "cannot cd to $FAXDIR" ; break ;; esac

        n= ; for f in ${DEVN}.[0-9]* ; do logfile="$f" ; n=x$n ; done

        case $n in
        xx*) echo Warning: multiple logs for $DEV : ; ls ${DEVN}.[0-9]* ;;

        case $logfile in
        *\*) echo no fax answer process for device $DEV ; break ;;

        efaxpid=`echo $logfile | sed -e "s/${DEVN}\.//g"`

        case $cmd in

# fax start - remove stop file so fax answer will continue


        if [ ! -w . ] ; then echo "can't write  `pwd`" ; break ; fi
        $RM ${DEVN}.stop

# fax stop - make a stop file and kill current fax answer daemon


        if [ ! -w . ] ; then echo "can't write `pwd`" ; break ; fi

        touch ${DEVN}.stop
        echo stopping fax daemon for ${DEV}, pid=$efaxpid
        kill -HUP $efaxpid

# fax status - display pid and log file for current daemon


        if [ -f ${DEVN}.stop ] ; then stat="(set to stop)" ; fi

        if ps -u $efaxpid 2>/dev/null ; then :
                echo "NOT ACTIVE (last daemon was $efaxpid)"

        echo from: $FAXDIR/$logfile

        egrep "Warning|Error|starts|activity|opened|received -|done" $logfile

        case $# in
        0) ;; *) echo "---------------" ; sleep $1 ; exec $FAX status $1 ;;


        esac    # common section

# fax makefont : rasterize a PS font into a 256-character-wide bitmap


        if [ $# -lt 5 ]
                echo Usage: fax makefont fontname fontsize \
                        cellwidth cellheight filename
                echo "(cellwidth and cellheight in pixels, fontsize in points)"

                echo "Example: fax makefont Courier-Bold 8 16 24 efaxfont"
                echo "will make an 8pt font (there are about 3 pixels per pt)"
                exit 1

        FNTFMT=pbmraw   # format for font files
        # FNTFMT=tiffg3 # smaller, available with Ghostscript 3.x or later

        pelwidth=`expr 256 \* $3`
        gs -q -sDEVICE=$FNTFMT -r204x196 -g${pelwidth}x$4 \
                -sOutputFile=$5 - <<EOF
        /$1 findfont $2 scalefont setfont
        /buf 1 string def
        /dx $3 204 div 72 mul def       % x offset per character
        0 1 255 {
           dup dx mul 0.7 add 3 moveto
           buf exch 0 exch put
           buf show
        } for

# fax make : convert a text or Postscript file to fax format


        case $# in 0) echo "No files specified" ; ERR=2 ; break ;; esac

        if [ ! -r $1 ] ; then echo "Can't read $1" ; ERR=2 ; break ; fi

        read x <$1
        case $x in
                echo "$1 is postscript..."
                # GS can't deal with long paths so we 'cd'
                DIRNAME=`dirname $1` ; BASENAME=`basename $1`
                ( cd $DIRNAME ; \
                $GS -q -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -r$RES -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER \
                -sOutputFile=$BASENAME.%03d \
                -sPAPERSIZE=$PAGE \

               $BASENAME </dev/null >/dev/null )
                echo "$1 is an image file..."
                $EFIX -ve -otiffg3 -p$PAGEDIM -r$RES -n $1.%03d $1
        *)      echo "$1 is text..."
                $EFIX -ve -otiffg3 -p$PAGEDIM -r$RES -n $1.%03d $TEXTFONT $1


# fax send : fax files to given number, converting first if necessary


        case $# in
        0) echo "missing phone number to call" ; ERR=2 ; break ;;

        # look up names

        case $1 in
                for f in $DIRFILES ; do
                        if [ -r $f ] ; then TELNO=`$LOOKUP` ; fi
                        case "$TELNO" in '') continue ;; *) break ;; esac
                case "$TELNO" in
                        '') echo "Name lookup for $1 failed" ; ERR=2 ; break ;;
                        *) echo "Lookup: $1 = $TELNO" ;;
                *) TELNO="$1" ;;


        case "$TO" in '') TO="$TELNO" ;; *) ;; esac

        TELNO=`echo $TELNO|sed "s/[     ()][    ()]*//g"`

        # handle manual dialing and number->dial string conversions

        case "$TELNO" in
        -m*)    MANINIT="-jX3" ; TELNO="" ;;
        +*)     TELNO=`echo $TELNO | $TELCVT` ;;

        case $TELNO in
        '')     ;;
        *)      TELNO="${DIALPREFIX}${TELNO}${DIALSUFFIX}" ;;

        # use `fax make' to convert files if they need to be updated

        for f in $* ; do
                case $f in -) FILES="$FILES -" ; continue ;; esac
                if [ ! -r $f ] ; then
                        echo "can't read file $f" ; ERR=2 ; break 2
                case $f in
                *.[0-9][0-9][0-9]) FILES="$FILES $f" ;; # skip image files
                *)      if echo ${f}.001: $f \; x | make -r -q -f - ; then
                                echo ${f}.nnn is up-to-date
                                $RM ${f}.[0-9][0-9][0-9]
                                $FAX make $OPT $f
                        if [ -r $f.001 ] ; then
                                FILES="$FILES $f.[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
                        else            # something's wrong, catch it later
                                FILES="$FILES $f.001"

        # check that all files are OK

        for f in $FILES ; do
                case $f in -) continue ;; esac
                if [ ! -r $f ] ; then

                        echo "can't read file $f" ; ERR=2 ; break 2

        # send it

        for s in 0 $FAILRETRIES ; do

        case $s in
        0) ;; *) echo "Will try again in $s seconds" ; sleep $s ;;

#       logfile=`$TSTAMP`.log

        for t in 0 $BUSYRETRIES ; do

                case $t in
                0) ;; *) echo "Will try again in $t seconds" ; sleep $t ;;

                DATE=`eval "$DATECMD"`
                eval HDR=\"$HDR\"

                $NICE $EFAX -v "$VERB" -v "$VERBLOG" \
                -d/dev/$DEV $LOCK $INIT $SPKR \
                $CLASSINIT $FCINIT $TXINIT \
                $TXCAP -l "$FROM" $RESET $HDRFONT -h "$HDR" \
                $MANINIT -t "$TELNO" $FILES >$logfile


                case $ERR in
                0)      $RM $logfile ; break 2 ;;
                1)      echo Busy... ;;
                *)      echo "There were errors (see ${logfile})." ; break ;;



        SENT=` sed -n -e '/sent ->/s/^.*-> \([^ ]*\).*/\1/p' $logfile`
        FILES=`sed -n -e '/failed ->/s/^.*-> \([^ ]*\).*/\1/p' $logfile`
        case $SENT  in '') break ;; esac
        case $FILES in '') break ;; esac
        echo Failed...



# fax hangup : hang up the phone

        $NICE exec $EFAX -v $VERB -d/dev/$DEV $LOCK -iZ -T

# fax fone : open modem device and exec fone script


        cd $FAXDIR
        case $? in 0) ;; *) echo "cannot cd to $FAXDIR" ; break ;; esac

        $NICE exec $EFAX -v $VERB -d/dev/$DEV $LOCK $INIT \
                -j#CLS=8 -a#VLS=1 -e "$VCMD $*"


# fax (rm|print|view) commands possibly on files in spool directory

        rm|p*|v*)       # common code

        # switch to spool directory if first file is found there

        for f in $FAXDIR/$1 ; do
                if test -r $f ; then cd $FAXDIR ; break ; fi

                if test -r $f ; then cd $FAXDIR ; break ; fi

        for f in $* ; do
                case $cmd in

                rm)     # fax rm : delete files
                if $RM $f ; then echo deleted $f ; fi

                p*)     # fax print : print files
                echo "$f ... "
                eval "$PRINT | $PRCMD"

                v*)     # fax view : display images
                echo "$f ... "
                eval "$VIEW | $VIEWCMD"



# fax [receive] : answer phone now and receive fax files


        case $1 in '') file=`$TSTAMP` ;; *) file=$1 ;; esac

        $NICE $EFAX -v "$VERB" -v "$VERBLOG" -d/dev/$DEV $LOCK $INIT $SPKR \

        $RXCAP -l "$FROM" $RESET \
        -r $file >$logfile


        case $ERR in
        0)      $RM $logfile ; break ;;
        1)      echo Busy... ;;
        *)      echo "There were errors (see ${logfile})." ; break ;;


# fax new : create a cover page for a fax (needs work)


        DATE=`date "+%B %d %Y"`
        cat >$fname 2>/dev/null << EOF


                         FAX COVER PAGE

         To:    x


        From:   $NAME
         fax:   $FROM

        Date:   $DATE

        Pages:  1 (including this page)


        ${VISUAL-${EDITOR-vi}} $fname


# fax help : show command arguments


cat 1>&2 <<EOF

   fax [ r[eceive] [-v] [filename-prefix] ]
   fax m[ake] [-l] { postscript-file-name | text-file-name }
   fax s[end] [-l] [-v] { -m | telephone-number } filename...
   fax { p[rint] | v[iew] | rm } [-l] filename...

   fax [ stop | start | st[atus] | q[ueue] ]
   fax answer

 use -l to create low resolution (98 lpi) faxes
 use -m if the number has been dialed manually
 use -v for verbose output

 if given no arguments, answers the phone and receives a fax.

 use VAR=value to set variables (e.g. "fax DEV=cua2 receive")

 session logs are written to a file with the date/time as the
 file name and extension of .log (except for automatic reception).

 fax device is /dev/$DEV, incoming spool directory is $FAXDIR




        echo "Error. Invalid command ($cmd)" ; ERR=2 ; break


exit $ERR

On Fri, Oct 04, 2002 at 09:26:13AM -0500, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> OK, let's go through this again.
> as it comes from the author already does a cover page (or, 
> more precisely, it gets the server software to do it).  It turned out 
> over time that what you really wanted was your client's logo on the 
> page, which actually means a modification of
> It further turned out that you're not using hylafax or mgetty, so you 
> must be using a modified version of
> Therefore, I needed the and you were using, 
> because those are the things I would possibly have to tailor.  That's 
> what I asked for, and instead you sent your printcap entry for faxlpr, 
> then ignored further requests for info.  We had already gone through a 
> prior period in which you ignored E-mails; you said later that you 
> thought you might have lost some.
> Do you see why I say you are difficult to work with?
> I have burned up *way* too much time trying to work with you on this.  I 
> gladly turn over this (non-technical) challenge to someone else.
> >I need it to create a front end cover page.
> >
> >It's the only aditional thing I need it to do.
> >
> >Can you do this?
> >
> >
> >On 2002.10.03 16:17 Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> >
> >>The only thing I said I couldn't (more like would not/didn't have time 
> >>to) do was make the frontend (Respond) display PostScript.
> >>
> >>A quote from your E-mail:
> >>
> >>"The front end should produce a postscript cover page."
> >>
> >>I explained that with Respond/, the backend produces the 
> >>PostScript, but that my Respond replacement could provide a preview of 
> >>the fax.
> >>
> >>You did not dispute that, and we continued to correspond for a while, so 
> >>I assumed we were still go on the project.
> >>
> >>I basically think that you never had a handle on what software you were 
> >>using or how to express what you wanted.  And you apparently had a poor 
> >>understanding of what I was trying to tell you.
> >>
> >>That's the charitable interpretation, anyway.
> >>
> >>But why you dropped the whole issue as I continued to try to get the 
> >>information I needed to continue, I'm not sure.
> >>
> >>None of this is a capital crime.  But I did find you very difficult to 
> >>(try to) work with, and I think my warning was proper.
> >>
> >>Anyway, this list is not the place to continue to discuss this.  Not 
> >>that I want to, or have any desire to continue to (try to) work with 
> >>you...
> >>
> >>Ruben I Safir wrote:
> >>
> >>>And you said you couldn't do it
> >>>
> >>>On 2002.10.03 12:56 Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Ruben Safir wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>I'm using efax and faxlpr to send faxes from the Windows computers.
> >>>>>I need to hire someone to hack RESPOND to create a nice Cover Letter 
> >>>>>with
> >>>>>inforamation in it about each user.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Can someone do this hack?
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Be prepared for grief.  This guy posted to the Hylafax list a while 
> >>>>back, saying he needed it for Hylafax.  I responded, we made a deal, I 
> >>>>started working on it, but when I had questions he stopped responding.
> >>>>
> >>>>He made another posting on the same list, I wrote to him again, he 
> >>>>claimed to have lost my E-mails.
> >>>>
> >>>>Started work again, had questions, turned out he wasn't sure about what 
> >>>>he was running; I needed more detail, told him what files he needed to 
> >>>>send me.
> >>>>
> >>>>Got no response (for weeks) until I saw this posting.
> >>>>
> >>>>Maybe someone else will have better luck dealing with this guy.
> >>>>
> >>>>-- 
> >>>>To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> >>>>instructions:
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>


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