Have read the howto, searched the web a lot an all that, but i cannot
find out how to fix my problem:

Have used NT ws. before and they all joined nicely inn the domain, but
not this w2k srv. I have tried a lot off things ie. used one of the NT
machine names which worked for this NT box.

Error message when I try to join the domain:
"...The specified user does not exist".

No info. in the logs.

But when i take "Run" \\[samba srv]
and type inn root, and password in the box, I can brows the shares..

Hopefully someone have experienced this, and can tell me the reason
(I've rely worked hard on this one.. pleas tell me that this was a
hard one ;-)).

tanks (a lot..)!


PS. The W2k i running in vmware on Linux, but I cannot believe that
should have anything to say (the NT ws. machines is also in vmware).

Some of my smb.conf file:

    ; Basic server settings
    netbios name = malmserver
    workgroup = sosau

; we should act as the domain and local master browser
    os level = 64
    preferred master = yes
    domain master = yes
    local master = yes
    ; security settings (must user security = user)
    security = user
    ; encrypted passwords are a requirement for a PDC
    encrypt passwords = yes
    ; support domain logons
    domain logons = yes
    ; where to store user profiles?
    logon path = \\%N\profiles\%u
    ; where is a user's home directory and where should it
    ; be mounted at?
    logon drive = H:
    logon home = \\malmserver\%u
    ; specify a generic logon script for all users
    ; this is a relative **DOS** path to the [netlogon] share
    logon script = %u.cmd

; necessary share for domain controller

    path = /home/profiles/netlogon
    writeable = no
    write list = ntadmin
; share for storing user profiles

    path = /home/profiles/nt
    writeable = yes
    create mask = 0600
    directory mask = 0700

    domain admin group = @adm
    add user script = /usr/sbin/adduser -n -g machines -c Machine -d
    /dev/null -s /bin/false %m$
[root@malmserver henrik]# smbstatus 
Global parameter domain admin group found in service section!
Global parameter add user script found in service section!
Global parameter printcap name found in service section!
Global parameter load printers found in service section!
Global parameter log file found in service section!
Global parameter max log size found in service section!
Global parameter socket options found in service section!

Samba version 2.2.5
Service      uid      gid      pid     machine
IPC$         root     root     19600   jonas    ( Tue Oct
8 20:56:21 2002
IPC$         henrik   stab     19597   laffen   ( Tue Oct
8 20:53:36 2002

No locked files
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