

Actually I am having a strange error where I hope you can help me:

As far as I know I think at least Samba is configured right but I don’t reach to connect from a Windows machine to the samba (on RedHat) machine:

I tried to do following things to see where the error is:


* Testparm runs without a problem.
* When typing
$ smbclient -L yourhostname it asks for a Password, where I don’t know which one exactly (root password does not work). it gives the error “NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE”

* When typing$ smbclient -L yourhostname -U% it gives the error “NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD”
When typing „$ smbclient //yourhostname/aservice(replacing aservice with a valid Username) it gives the error “NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE”

I can ping the linux machine from the windows machine but I don’t reach to ping the windows machine from the linux-terminal.



Any Idea where the error can be???


Thank you for any help



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