Have u edit the HOTKEY signourseal signal?
Are u sure u have opened ports 137 udp 138 udp and 139
in the lindoze.
And regarding XP is not enough to change the firewall
policy.M$ has done something more that makes it
difficulty to connect to other systems.
A reader I talk to a few weeks ago solved it, but
unfortuneatly he forgot to give med proper feedback
,so I dont know exactly how to completely turn the
firewall off

 --- "Dr. Bernd Zimmermann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev:
> Are you using Win XP ?
> We have a similar problem, except that it was
> working a few weeks
> and than suddenly the XP computer cannot see the
> samba server
> anymore !!
> All other computers (Win98, WinNT) works still fine
> - only XP is the
> problem and we habe no clue whats going on.
> All the hints: XP registry, Firewall, Security does
> not solve our problem.
> We are still stucked - XP is not seeing Samba
> ;-(((((
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I've recently setup samba 2.2.5 on a solaris 8
> workstation and configured it 
> > to be a member of an NT domain. Everything is
> working correctly, with the 
> > exception that the samba server does not appear in
> the network neighborhood of 
> > the rest of the PC's in the domain. However, if
> you choose to "search for 
> > computers" and enter the netbios name of the
> server it is detected and all of 
> > the shares show up correctly. I've set the "wins
> server" option in my smb.conf 
> > file to the ip address of the local wins server,
> and my NT administrator 
> > claims to have created an entry for the machine
> (anyone know how I can verify 
> > this?), so I'm pretty much at a loss at this
> point. Here are the options I've 
> > set:
> > 
> > smb.conf
> > [global]
> > workgroup = mydomain
> > netbios name = my_netbios_name # same as dns
> hostname (but not fqdn)
> > security = domain
> > local master = no
> > domain master = false
> > preferred master = false
> > wins server = xx.xx.xx.xx
> > dns proxy = no
> > 
> > I've also added the following lines to
> /etc/services:
> > 
> > netbios-ns  137/udp  nbns
> > netbios-ns  137/tcp  nbns
> > netbios-dgm 138/udp  nbdgm
> > netbios-dgm 138/tcp  nbdgm
> > netbios-ssn 139/udp  nbssn
> > netbios-ssn 139/tcp  nbssn
> > 
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > -brian
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
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