On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 07:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> 1 # mkdir /dev/accounts
> 2. # chgrp accounts /dev/accounts
> 3. # chmod 0770 /dev/accounts                 ##i think these are right for
> Owner & group ###
this looks right to me..
except is is weird to have a share in the dev tree...
are you sure that is what you want - usually that is reserved for
hardware devices.
> in my smb.conf
> [accounts]
> browseable = yes
i think this is unnecessary but not harmful
> path = /dev/accounts
> read only = no
set this to yes
> write list = @accounts
i don't think you need the writ list line and set read only to 
> create mask = 770
> directory mask = 770
> what chmod to i need on the directory and what "masks" are needed in the
> smb.conf, i seem to be going round in circles!!!
you've almost got it - don't stress out. 
> i know this is so so simple but it is driving me nuts.

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