
I'm trying to move a small network from an NT 4.0 PDC to Samba 2.2-3a
PDC. I've come as far as letting people log on successfully and use the
appropriate network shares, but there's one problem still:

I've tried to move an MS Exchange Server (5.5) formerly located on the
PDC to a standalone NT Server. The moving procedure basically consisted
of moving the information store, which according to MS is supposed to

However, once I try to start the information store services, I get
errors telling me that I don't have sufficient access to it, and the
service fails to start.

Here's what I suspect went wrong:

Exchange needs a "service account". I've been using an admin user from
the original NT PDC for this purpose. I believe that Exchange stores the
SID of this service account in the information store and checks this
when someone tries to start the server (I believe this because I
reinstalled NT and Exchange from scratch, using the Samba PDC to choose
a service account this time, and only copied over the files that
contained the information store - same result) But the Samba PDC uses an
entirely different SID for my service account, right? So it doesn't
agree with the SID that's (probably) logged in the information store.

To either confirm this suspicion or rule it out, I need to force a
specific SID on a Samba 2.2-3a PDC user account. Is this possible?

This would allow me to just "clone" the user accounts I had on my NT PDC
by hand. I guess it would also resolve any problems still in the future
with ACL'd directories.

Or is there an easy way to switch from NT to Samba PDC, a kind of
migration tool that would migrate my NT accounts to Samba?

Help would be greatly appreciated, as "Internal error xyz" NT error
messages are driving me up the wall. There's not much left before I hit
the roof. :-)


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