Got two machines connected via a 10MBit Hub:
One Slackware Linux 8.1 with eth0 = Realtek8139 (working fine),
one WindowsXP Pro, same NIC, registry key for proper auth is set.

The Windows machine is called xerxes on which the C dir is shared, and there
is /mnt/xerxes/ on the Linux box.

The command:
# mount -t smbfs -o username=(username on win machine),password=(passwd on win
# machine) //XERXES/C /mnt/xerxes/
gives me the following errors:

2251: session request to XERXES failed (Not listening on called name)
2251: session request to *SMBSERVER failed (Not listening on called name)

Am clueless. Should mention I'm familiar with Linux but a network newbie.

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