
> > > Downloading the latest now.
> >
> > Okay, now for the scary part.  This machine is live, and in use all day every
> > day.  Anything I should know about upgrading from 2.0.7 to 2.2.5?
> Wait until later tonight for 2.2.6 :-)

:)  Have now downloaded 2.2.6, thanx.

> Seriously, an upgrade from 2.0.7 to 2.2.6 should not be
> taken lightly.  How big of a server and number of clietns
> are we talking about?

It's the fileserver for a school, lab has 24 machines, and there's another
dozen scattered around the school.  There's only a couple hundred users
all told.  I'm not really doing anything special, I have a printer hung
off the server, each user has their own file share, and there are two
public shares.  I run a connect.bat script, and that's it.

If they had the budget, I'd be completely building a new server then swap
them into place, but I'm stuck with what I've got :(

> > Does SAMBA rely on anything outside it's own directory?  I want to make
> > a couple of tarballs so I can "go back" if needed.
> tar up /usr/local/samba and you should be ok.


Wish me luck.
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