After receiving no response to yesterday's message, I tried some more web 
scouring and more tinkering and dinking around with Samba...and I discovered 
what may be a major key to my problem...

I have 3 PC's...2 are Windoze and 1 is Linux.  Windoze machines are likely to 
understand how to share files across subnets using the same workgroup 
name...but is Samba as adept?  I have a feeling that is at the heart of my 

I enabled wins support in my smb.conf and assigned the Samba box's IP address 
as the primary wins server on the WFW box. I also set Samba to be the domain 
master browser according to the instructions in BROWSING.txt.  All of this, 
alas, was useless as I still couldn't browse the Win-duhs shares from Linux 
or the Linux shares from Winduhs.  I feel that I'm getting much closer to my 
goal (file sharing without using Windows) and would really appreciate any 
help any of you can offer.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

DJ Busch

Here is my latest attempt at smb.conf:

        workgroup = LEGEND
        netbios name = LUKE
        server string = Dave's Linux Experiment Gone Wrong
        interfaces = eth0
        bind interfaces only = Yes
        security = SHARE
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        null passwords = Yes
        log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
        debug level = 5
        max log size = 50
;       socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
        os level = 2
        lm announce = yes
        preferred master = yes
        domain master = yes
        dns proxy = No
        wins support = yes
        guest account = doodles
        hosts allow = ALL
        hosts deny = 

        comment = Home Directories
        path = /home
        read only = No
        guest ok = Yes

        comment = All Printers
        path = /var/spool/samba
        printable = Yes
        browseable = No

        path = /var/spool/samba
        read only = No
        guest ok = Yes
        printable = Yes
        printer name = hp

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